IDEAS Festival - the website is OPEN !
Leanne Epley-Pressman
NZ Seaweed Industry Advocate, Training and Education Background
The concept behind the Nelson IDEAS Festival is simple: People who do amazing things can inspire others to do amazing things, too. For three days (April 11-13) Nelson-Marlborough Institute of Technology hosts 48 speakers from across NZ at the IDEAS Festival - with 4 events for different age groups to inspire and provoke, excite and entertain! Tickets sell out quickly, so get your family or classroom together, view the website, choose your sessions, and register via the EventBrite links. Thanks to an amazing group of sponsors: #NMIT, #BNZ, #ZUMO's, #Network Tasman, #Datacom and #Waikaitu! Also thanks to scholarship sponsors: 4-Square in Atawhai, #Pic's Really Good Peanut Butter, Richmond Town & Country Vet, and Rotary Club of Whakatu! Well done everyone!