Ideas that come to life.
Anthony Chinweuba
Project Officer - Project Manager | Program Officer - Program Manager | Operations Officer | Communications officer
You must have noticed how I am beginning to transition from the regular sharing of ideas to more actions.
Why is that so?
What use is it to keep sharing ideas and never execute the ideas?
None, at all.
Do you remember when I shared an Idea about LearnInStud and its first program - Employability Leverage 1.0?
Well, that is an Idea that I am acting on already, and guess what?
The results of the actions taken so far have brought a lot of goodies for us all.
Take a look at this.
That is not where it ends. The full package is available if you need that.
The full package is a recording of all the talks from our 3 wonderful speakers, and you can get to learn from them by checking out our YouTube Channel below.
Please do subscribe to the channel while at it. It goes a long way to support this project.