Ideal PostDoc everyone is looking for
by STEMM.Global experts

Ideal PostDoc everyone is looking for

How to get your dream PostDoc position after receiving a PhD? Remember the 10 ideal PostDoc criteria!

All questions at the interviews are based on this list. If you want to impress your interviewer, highlight in the answers your main professional characteristics that suit these 10 criteria.

1) The first: you are a Leader!

You require no supervision by your professor. You can supervise students. You can establish your own research projects that will expand the research profile of the laboratory.

2) You are also Independent

You can write papers without any assistance. You can plan the research experiments on your own. You want to write grant proposals to secure independent funding!?

3) You are a Problem Solver

You are not asking questions but rather bring multiple solutions to the table for the discussion.?

4) You are Ambitious!

You have a long term vision and a roadmap for Your Career Development. You know what you want and you have a plan with specific goals.

5) You are an Innovator

You can think out of scope! You are not limited by your current expertise and always looking for the best solution everywhere.

6) You are Good in Networking

You are open to expand your professional network. You want to establish new collaborations and partnerships!

7) You are also a Delegator

Instead of trying to become an expert in a new field, you establish collaboration with the high calibre experts in this field and you can start to work with them.?

8) You are also a Negotiator!

You can handle any conflicts, miscommunications. You can mentor and motivate students. And you also can negotiate the best deal for your research project with industry partners and research partners!

9) Of course, you need to be a Good Manager

You need to manage students, you need to manage projects, also, manage the lab operation without any assistance.?

10) And then additional Teaching:

You also need to be open to contribute to the teaching activities of the research group.

Final advice:

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