The idea of TomorrowsOne

“Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a Lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn’t matter whether you are a Lion or a Gazelle, when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.

Christopher McDougall, Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World has Never Seen

This beautiful quote reflects the essence behind Tomorrows India's evolution into TomorrowsOne (

Every morning was a run, actually a sprint, for us. Our team has always been on the lookout to grow, to expand its goal.

We experimented. Sometimes to get new startups on board or sometime to sell our idea to new businesses or to assure artists that we are with them, hand in hand, and are fully dedicated to assure that they get known.

And it does not end here. Goals are ever evolving. Now, we plan to cover all users of Business, Knowledge and Culture across the world under one online marketplace and under an expanded global summit. We no longer plan to be limited to India or the adjoining geographies.

Our Mission is to deliver a quality global online marketplace platform which fulfils every need of users across Business, Knowledge and Culture through the largest online network and to provide services at the best possible value. By every, we mean a 360o view of requirements and offerings.

Not even a year and that is how our life has been. And it is not that the end was ever near. There are millions of startups, academicians, artists, institutions who need a helping hand to make it big. Be it a start-up looking for funding or a small business looking for financing, or an institution looking for sponsorship or an artist eager to showcase his art, now all they have to do it logon to TomorrowsOne.

The more we looked into it, the more we saw opportunities. The challenge seemed so colossal that we knew we had it in us to solve it.

Hence the ‘evolution’ to Tomorrows India Global Summit.

Hence the ‘maturity’ to TomorrowsOne Global Summit.

We love it that we have evolved in such a short time. Not many can boast of such a speed of an idea evolution.

The focus will be thoroughly on individual verticals, with dedicated teams ensuring that the Mission is fulfilled. Team building and user engagement will follow the same principles – like one big family. For both, we hope to build an atmosphere of trust, mutual appreciation, cooperation, accountability, commitment and promotion of defined goals. We will be as sensitive to our team as to our users.

So Join the journey:

  • Connect with Individuals & Organisations.
  • Seek and fulfil opportunities.
  • Complete transactions.

I would like to end with another quote:

"You don’t stop when --you are tired, you stop when you are done."

A very warm welcome to TomorrowsOne!


