IDEA StatiCa modeling tips and tricks
Modeling in IDEA StatiCa connection is one of the most enjoyable experiences as a structural engineer. Use the following tips and tricks to enhance the modeling of structural steel connections in IDEA.
1. Avoid using offsets
The use of offsets should be avoided as they can lead to eccentricities which can produce an extra moment once loads are applied.
2. Use operations instead of offsets
Some operations (such as shear tab, cleat, end plate, etc.) include the cut operation by default. However, sometimes, you must add a member-cut operation before applying the mentioned operations.
Also, there is the option to use align plates and locate a member without using offsets, for example, when you have a beam-to-beam joint or 2 different height beams connected to the column.
3. Model type selection
This is a frequent question, which model type should be used for selected members? That means what forces the member will transfer to the system/node and what are their boundary conditions:
4. Using a dxf to create plate geometry
When creating a new plate, IDEA StatiCa can bring a design from a DXF drawing. Following the below instructions, the feature can be tested:
5. Applying gusset plate operation to an existing plate
When using a gusset plate operation, the operation itself can create a new plate, but if there is the case that the plate is already in the model, use the option of an existing plate in the model.
6. Using doublers for other situations
Stiffening plates can have their origin from the node, member, or plate. The Doubler option helps to locate a new stiffening plate from the face of the selected plate. This feature should be used to model filler plates and a shear plate from a gusset plate.
7. Start with a larger than-required plate size and use plate cut operation to align with members, etc..
8. Bolt grid operation tips
When using bolts operation, selecting all the plies that the bolts will pass through is important. Also, when placing items, consider that the first element will be the reference for the placement of bolts. In this example, the longitudinal axis of the bracing member is the reference.
9. Using the Plate Editor
Stiffening plate operation has an editor, where the plate can be edited with sub-operations. In this case, the offset was used to create a ? gap between the Gusset and the column:
10. Cleat operation connected to a plate
Cleat operation can be assigned to an existing plate that will be connected to a member, as the following example:
11. Stiffening member usage
A stiffening member is an operation that helps to add a member into the model to be part of the connection. ?One characteristic of a stiffening member is that a load is not required. ?This operation helps in the following examples:
12. Extended shear tab (load position)
Extended shear tabs are a common connection when a beam to a column web needs to be joined. Only four operations are required in order to model it. Check the video to learn how to do it:
Once you finish the modeling, the load position is important for a shear connection. Please review the How to define correct load position article to learn the best load position for shear connections.
13. Lifting lugs
The recommended approach for the lifting lugs model is to model a stiffening plate and model the needed shape, then add a new member to help apply the load to the lifting lug plate. To connect the member to the stiffening plate, a connecting plate operation can be used:
14. Operations order
A good tip to keep in mind as you are building a connection is that only operations above the current operation can be used in the current operation. ?I know that sounds like a circular sentence, but when you look at the list of operations in a model, you can't add a weld to a plate that is lower in the list. ?In this case, you need to be sure the plate operation is added and then add the weld. ?
15. Tooltips (plate information and help)
Immediate help can be provided when you hover the mouse over inputs or plates of the model:
16. BONUS TIP - Connection Library(selection option)
Connection library helps to reuse previous designs that the user published previously in their private or company data set. However, sometimes the user only has templates for two members that are part of the entire model, so the selection option can be used to bring templates for those two members and then build the rest of the connection, either from scratch or again using the selection option:
Happy modeling!
Ingénieur formateur et concepteur en structures métalliques, attaché en passation de marchés publics
1 年C'est quel type de logiciel CAO ?
Technical Channel Manager at IDEA StatiCa APAC
1 年Very useful and helpful article! Great job, Andrea.
Engenheiro Estrutural | Consultor | Professor | Pesquisador de Pós Doc pela COPPE/UFRJ | Doutor em Engenharia Estrutural pela COPPE/UFRJ | Membro da Comiss?o de Revis?o da Norma Brasileira de A?o ABNT NBR 8800
1 年Excellent article, Andrea Castelo!! Congratulations for your work!!