An idea to simplify today's problems
Becky Webber
Operations Director - Tate Recruitment | Senior Leader & Executive Coach | Inclusive Leadership Advocate
As we look for answers to what life will be like post-COVID-19 in the workplace, we need to remind ourselves of the opportunity the crisis has given to us.
The crisis has forced us to experiment and prioritise new ways of thinking and working, which otherwise may have taken years, possibly even decades, to have been considered and come to fruition.
Will you let this opportunity go to waste or, will you seize this time to continue to experiment and innovate accelerating the future of work as we know it?
We know realistically we are far from out the other side of this pandemic. While government decisions may slightly adjust our daily lives, we are fundamentally still very much in the eye of the storm. As we continue to navigate through the rough weather, we need to have our sights on the end of the rainbow, which is ahead of us.
It's tough to make sense of the impact the crisis is having and to focus on what the next steps need to be. For me, finding a way to simplify my thought process is key to making the right decisions (which is not always as easy as it sounds).
So, instead of the STOP, START & CONTINUE exercise I once favoured, I've adapted it to STOP, AMPLIFY, LET GO & RESTART. It may not roll off the tongue but it's simple and effective.
Consider what you will STOP or need to stop.
Which temporary measures you have introduced or witnessed to respond to the immediate demands of the crisis? Perhaps it's the Job Retention Scheme, and you are now considering how you will integrate your workers back into your business.
Which measures will you AMPLIFY by finding new ways to do old things?
As I have mentioned, we are in the biggest workplace experiment. We are trying new ways of working which could show promise for the future. Could the remote working model you introduced overnight be a consideration for the way forward?
The crisis may have afforded us the ability to discontinue doing things that are no longer fit for purpose by reprioritising what's important. How will you LET GO of ineffective ways for good?
We can all be guilty of layering new procedures on top of old systems compounding and masking problems. Is it time to provide palliative care to old systems releasing trapped resources to improve efficiencies that will be a better strategic fit?
Which activities will you need to RESTART and when?
Every business has a sales function, and you may be figuring out how you will sensitively restart your sales effort. Before you do, consider if a simple 'cut and paste' of the pre-pandemic approach is still appropriate. Do you need to consider reinventing your sales approach and pipeline?
As we adjust and evolve to new ways of working, we need to remove the blinkers and look around us taking nothing for granted. Change is hard, but it's also an excellent opportunity to clear the clutter and reinvent a better way. With your people going from A to Z on the change curve pretty much overnight, there is no better time to embrace change and create a better and more prosperous future in the long run. Don't forget the end of the rainbow!