The idea of "letting His countenance shine upon you" means much more than affording the One G-d anthropomorphic features and abilities.
Continuing the aforementioned thought in the heading:
It is Jerusalem's realization and actualization of the Jewish ideal to bring heaven closer to this mundane world that imbues President Trump's announcement with a priori import and de facto relevance to our times. It will be a de jure fact that Jerusalem is, indeed, the capital of Israel when the majority of nations finally, freely, and decidedly choose to identify it as such, move their embassies to its precincts, and carry on the business of their peoples with the people of Israel in its very bosom.
For me as a US Jewish citizen and an Israeli citizen, the following quotation has real significance and meaning regarding President Trump's announcement vis-a-vis Jerusalem's being the capital of the State of Israel:
"The US decision to recognize the reality that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel will be most important if it becomes the beginning of a new US policy of pursuing peace by teaching and speaking the truth concerning the Palestinian-Israeli dispute – instead of ignoring or downplaying reality adverse to the Palestinians on the false theory that doing so advances the cause of peace. One of the main obstacles to peace has been European and American encouragement of Palestinian illusions that the Jewish, democratic state can be removed from the region with the help of democratic denial of reality.--Max Singer
The debate that the following article brings to the fore makes it a worthwhile read.