Idea Germination
Vikram Shetty ??
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Questions of the week:??How do we generate new ideas for our Scorecard Day?
I write this article based on the insight of my conversation with my team in our monthly 1-on-1 call. I speak with each one of my team members. This article is to share the question of this week and our method to work on it. You can subscribe to the Building Our Team newsletter (2600+ subscribers)
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How do we generate new ideas for our Scorecard Day?
The current status of our scorecard is that the Starter Scorecard is being completed with the help of 16 team members, and it gets completed in under 2 hours.?
The split of individual parts of the scorecard is completed in about 45 minutes or so, and then merging these parts takes 2 rounds because it is split into 4 parts that take about 45 minutes each. It ended up somewhere 90 minutes plus, and that's how it's going.?
Currently, we have done 5 scorecard days in total. There has been a remarkable acceptance of the idea, and after the first breakthrough, which no one in the team believed would be possible about three months back, the team is now rushing to add more.
Few understand the value of a vision, and fewer people can create one. Vision doesn't have to be a giant disruption of 1 billion dollars; it can be a simple idea of creating value that previously took 1 month to get done in 1 day. The stretch vision will be to do?it?in?1?hour.
The downside of getting the team a breakthrough on your vision is that they want to rush the process once they taste the success. This is where your leadership comes into play, ensuring the winning strategy keeps its winning percentage. The easy mistake could be trying to scale up too soon. Rather this is the time to dive deep into what is working and double down the effort to optimise?the?outcome.
This is when things might get off the rails. People can scatter in all directions, and that is why it is important to consolidate or at least keep the constraint tighter and ask the team members to slow down a bit, think, and ponder all the ideas that can be applied to delete unnecessary or redundant steps or, for that matter, automate a few of the steps that take time. We can also ask to reduce mental load or errors.
This is also when the team starts asking what is next, but this is where the polishing of the current idea and the crystallization of the thoughts need to be done before we move ahead because what we have witnessed is a prototype working of the idea. There is still no evidence or proof, even though we know that this might be converted into a paid assignment. A client has never paid us for this scorecard yet using this method or a technique.
To ensure that that happens, we have to consolidate so the team can think about and work on the idea.? A few team members are already working in this direction, and three to four members have come up with some brilliant ideas, which I may have shared in past articles.
The team capacity is up to 30 people, so at least 50% of them should be engaged in suggesting small or big ideas that are implemented and benefit the entire process and create an impact of 2X, 5X, or even 10X.
This is a crucial period during any transformational project. It can be easy to lose sight of the vision, or the team gets so busy that they must remember the original vision. If you need to remind it multiple times and get bored doing it, you don't have a choice but to keep your team on course.
In conclusion...
The germination of ideas is unpredictable. It happens sometimes in chaotic situations, sometimes in much friction, but the beauty of the idea is that you can only create an environment for it. It germinates naturally, and you will find it in the most unexpected place and by the most unexpected people ever.
You'll need to repeat the process until you reach your objective within the given time.
I wish you all the best in coming up with ideas to help your clients deliver better service like we are doing to ours.
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