The Idea Behind A Story And Its Collective Acceptance
Dr. Adam Tabriz
“Founder @ PX6 Medical Systems | Innovating Cyber-Physical Healthcare Solutions | Transforming Patient Care & Management”
The Ideological Secret Recipe For Human Triumph Over Other Species, More So, An Instrument Of Destruction
From the time of birth till we die, as human beings, we conceptualize day in and day out the course of actions we take. Every individual possesses a particular set of ideas on how to conduct and what tasks to carry out at a given time and place. Not uncommonly, we bring those into life and recommend ideas through a structured system. Those systems are the foundation of sociopolitical and economic theories that many collective cultures in history have taken up.
In a collective system, we can never make progress without ideas, as reforms won't ensue, and humanity can come to a standstill concerning evolution. Likewise, without the conceptual mapping of the concept in a collective milieu, ideologies will forfeit the power relation between the ocean of ideas because it is the ideologies that help individuals steer the complexity of the collective universe.
Although historically, there have been sundry definitions of what the term "ideology" entails, we must keep one thing in mind. To be efficiently taken up by the rest of the members of a society or societies, humans need a robust propagation vehicle or a "story."
Idea: Human Beings Versus Animals!
The ability of human beings to complex reasoning, language, their power to solve difficult problems, and reflection in an extensive network put them ahead and apart from the rest of the species on earth.
Yuval Noah Harari, the public intellectual historian and the writer of the book "Sapiens" believes in the human ability to create stories, be it fiction or fact. Then the human being persuades the members of their collaborative environments to be the most powerful tool and their fundamental difference from other animals like Chimpanzees or elephants.
One main argument Harari makes is on the story of the dollar bill. According to him, the dollar bill is the upshot of the story told by those at the head of central banks and international monetary funds (IMF), which has enabled people around the globe to accept it as the medium of trade. For instance, a dollar bill that is nothing more than a paper and inc, with probably no tangible backing (given the Fiat money scheme), can be traded for three bananas in the market. But, the chimpanzee will not change their banana for a dollar bill but may exchange it for a coconut.
Based on the stories written in history, we can recall numerous battles. These battles have been the upshot of well-written stories based on diverse sets of ideology discrepancies.
Again, despite many beliefs that human-made wars happen over land, food, and survival but on the contrary, they have almost invariably been over the story versions, just like crusade wars, the cold war, and Israeli Palestinian conflict we witness today.
Idea And Belief: Fact Or Fiction!
It is not necessarily crucial if one conveys the idea, ideology, and story based on fiction or factual reasoning; even some fictional stories have done well for humanity, like religions and theories of human rights.
What has been detrimental to the demise of humankind and their success is the multitude of frictions between various ideologies and stories adopted by many constituents across two or more societies.
As Jon Fobes, the author of "The Plain Dealer," states in his publication, — "The mind is more idea factory than a truth-detection device." That is why a convincing story propagated by an adept taleteller is enough to capture the collective power in every society.
A story portrays a voyage, as the storyteller engages, educates, inspires, and intrigues others. The story is the shape-shifting instrument, as they morph themselves into various formats depending on the story's essence, the intended recipients, and the events.
Indeed, a story based on social philosophy does not require establishing its actuality or fiction. It merely fosters the art of convincing, thus opening the road to collective acceptance of that story, ideology, and idea.
Story, Ideology, And Rise Of Sociopolitical Movements
A fine tale of an ideology written serves as a robust mobilizer of every sociopolitical movement. Collective acceptance of a story lobbies billions of people, even those conveying fiction.
Collective endorsement of an ideology is the mother of peace within a civilization and all wars amongst societies and factions. The discord between the two stories and controversies between the storytellers, from the birth of major religions, the technological revolution of the 19th century to today's big data and artificial intelligence revolution, all have and will stand as the perpetrator of global conflicts.
With particular emphasis on today's disrupting technocratic ideologies conveyed to the millennials through the cyber webs is another epitome of a new story told by giant well-versed storytellers of corporations.
Maybe the new era prophets this time around will appear in silicon valley, says Yuval Noah Harari. or perhaps an invasion of Ukraine by Russia isn't about territory and money after all; instead, it is the upshot of the stories penned by a few elites. Or maybe, it is the storyteller that needs to be held accountable.
Indeed, individual liberty needs to be nurtured, not the collective deeds of society, if we intend to harness the human triumph over other species members as an instrument of construction rather than destruction.