IDCUBE's Time & Attendance system facilitates to adapt to UAE's new workweek transition
IDCUBE Time & Attendance System

IDCUBE's Time & Attendance system facilitates to adapt to UAE's new workweek transition

From January 2022, the UAE government has announced to move from the older working week schedule to a new work week to match the global market trend. All UAE Federal government departments have transitioned to a four-and-a-half-day working week, with Monday to Thursday & Friday morning forming the new work week. Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday will be the new weekend. UAE has become the world's first country to make the employee-friendly transition & has set the trend for other countries by initiating a positive change. According to the intellectuals, the shift in time would ensure "longer weekends to boost productivity and improve work-life balance and help better align with the global market."

IDCUBE is committed to bringing amendments to keep pace with changing labor laws with evolving needs of the business and workforce and support our clients to adopt them quickly and seamlessly. IDCUBE's time & attendance software is the perfect solution to support the new time transition of UAE, having all the essential features required for adapting to the new four-and-a-half-day workweek.

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