Idaho Gun School with Terry McLaughlin
Tina O'Rourke
Google Business Profiles | LinkedIn Profiles | SEO Content Writer | Editor & Proofreader | Ghostwriter
I met Terry McLaughlin at a VAREP (Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals) meet up, and not long after, we met and talked. Terry is a serial entrepreneur with his hand in several businesses, but his passion is Idaho Gun School. This Small Business Spotlight focuses on why Terry McLaughlin’s unique qualifications make him the perfect owner and instructor of Idaho Gun School and the goals and focus of the school.
About Terry McLaughlin
Terry McLaughlin spent ten years in the U.S. Navy and took part in Operation Enduring Freedom (the official name for the Global War on Terrorism) and Operation Iraqi Freedom. After leaving the Navy, he spent three additional years as a Private Security Contractor supporting the U.S. Army in Afghanistan. Terry had specialty training in the Use of Force, pistol training for both defense and combat, and close quarters battle training. He also has over 25 years’ experience as an instructor, both inside and outside of the military including as a personal fitness and real estate instructor. It would be difficult to find anyone more qualified to run a gun school than Terry McLaughlin.
The Goals of the Idaho Gun School
The goals of Idaho Gun School focus on our 2nd Amendment rights, gun safety and training, and dispelling gun myths that are prevalent in our society.
The 2nd Amendment of the Constitution
There has been constant debate in the United States, particularly in recent years, about the 2nd Amendment, how it should be interpreted, and whether it is still applicable almost 250 years after the Constitution was written. The 2nd Amendment is only one sentence, almost impossible to misinterpret, and was placed in the Constitution because England took away guns from patriots to subdue them. The 2nd Amendment was made part of the Constitution to ensure that nothing like that can happen again.
Safety: Their First Concern
That being said about the Constitution, you cannot be too safe when using a firearm, and that safety comes with proper training and regular use. The Idaho Gun School offers classes in Basic Pistol, AR-15s, and required training for the Idaho Enhanced Concealed Permit. They also offer seminars that focus completely on gun safety.
Dispelling Myths
Recently, the story made front page headlines: an armed bystander stopped a mall shooter in his tracks after he had already killed three people, saving countless other lives. According to Terry, for every story we hear about are hundreds that we don’t….and he is in a position to know. Terry wants to bring these stories to light.
In addition, proponents of gun control always talk about its necessary due to gun violence, but the most dangerous states in the United States have the strictest gun laws. Illinois, for example, has one of the strictest gun control laws in the country, yet there were over 3,500 shootings in Chicago in 2021 with nearly 800 killed. The Idaho Gun School is dedicated to dispelling myths about guns for a more informed populace.
If you are interested in finding out more about the Idaho Gun School and what it has to offer, you can visit its website. You can also call Terry directly at (208) 863-4346 or email him at [email protected]. Terry is searching for at least one instructor for the school. If you have a military or law enforcement background, and believe in gun training and safety, give him a call. He’d love to talk with you. #idaho #smallbusiness #smallbusinessspotlight #2ndamendment #gunschool