ICU delirium From Their Eyes
Kali Dayton, DNP, AGACNP
Expert in Awake and Walking ICU Models | "Best Nursing Innovation" Winner | Transformative ICU Consultant | Acute Care Nurse Practitioner | "Walking Home From the ICU" Podcast
When we see our sedated patients snuggled in bed, do we see their reality?
Are they "asleep"? Are they "resting"? Are we really sparing them from anxiety, pain, and trauma? Are we oblivious to the hamster wheels of trauma they are running in their brains?
Are their hallucinations and delirium actually better than reality?
Do we prefer to medically muzzle them while they try to cry out in panic and pain?
Couldn't our patients better tolerate treatments if they were allowed to use their unaltered brains to appropriately process and cope with their environment?
Did you know that over 35% of ICU survivors experience PTSD 1-year post-discharge?
Contributing factors to post-ICU PTSD are:
- ICU delirium
- Receiving benzodiazepines and sedatives during hospitalization
- Pre-ICU psychopathology
- Being female
- Age under 65 yrs
I asked acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and sepsis survivor groups about their experiences during delirium and their post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) years after.
They shared the following:
- "I defeated ARDS 17 years ago, but have never defeated the memories of the nightmares and digressions from reality that I experienced being intubated for a month. I was in a plane crash, hit by a car, sick in WW2 Europe, cloned, threatened with knives to my throat, and many other nightmarish realities I'll never forget."
- - "I honestly feel like I was 'assaulted' by these meds... and there has been a lasting impact on my life."
- "...I feel like I survived twice: once from the colon perforation next from the over-medication."
· “Ever since having sepsis I now experience extreme anxiety. I have a lot of trouble with even wanting to leave the house or having people around! Anyone else like this? I have panic attacks all the time!! “
· “I was hospitalized Jan 20th 2018 in septic shock. I was on life support for one week and woke up completely delirious for days. My first memory of 2018 is February 4th. The nightmares/ dreams mostly had a bomb scenario (no clue why) which made me terrified at all times. I did not consistently know my whereabouts, condition, or dream wake state until the day I finally fully woke up. Almost a full year later these vivid dreams recur nightly.”
· “ I thought I’d been kidnapped. I had no idea where I was or how I got there. I heard, while sedated, a nurse telling the other nurses and doctors about a trip to Las Vegas. (I saw her a few months later and she was shocked when I asked her about the trip. I don’t remember many other details. Just that I was always somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be and couldn’t get away”
· “I was delirious for the best of 3 days . I was aware I was sinking I could hear I tried to escape the hospital in the middle of the night of which I have no recollection! I remember trying to snap out of it and clawing at coming around , hearing doctors I. The background and trying to present myself but kept on getting stuck . I also felt euphoric as I came around , & that God had given me a second chance/I'm not holy “
· “Well, i had two. The first one... I thought i was in a farm house in Indiana. I being held captive and they would not give me pain meds until I told them how to get money from my mom and step dad. I was strapped down an had IVs tubes everywhere.
Had dream that the stole and cut off the faces of my son and bbf to reason with me but i knew that was not their faces. They even took theier clothing ... stuff i knew i had bought them to try to trick me. NO matter what they did to I was not going to give in. It lasted a month ... a dream for a month ...
2nd ... I am ex military and I was in the old ww2 mortuary build they stored bodies in ... it was cold and i knew i was with other dead bodies but i could not move. (During my military days I actually worked in such building) I was with the dead but I was not dead. No one could hear me and i could not move.
Both were very detailed. Down to sights, smells ... you name it.
I woke up in ICU around the end of oct but I dont remember days until nov. ... my original surgery was oct 5 and I was in total organ failure by the 7 oct.
When i can sleep i go back to these same dreams. And it just picks up.
When i did wake up ... i lost a ton of memories they are just gone. But I thought I tried to commit suicide and thats why i was there. It took weeks for me to understand where I was and why i was there. They would ask me questions and i did not know the answers id look at my family ... like help me i dont know. To this day when i sleep i go back to these crazy dreams ... when i wake up ... i not sure where i am until i have time to process it.”
· “ I thought they put me on an airplane all night and once I thought they were trying to burn me I freaked out and took my tracheostomy out. I was intubated 45 days and I would sign a DNR before I'd go thru that again”
· “I have a few instances. When my temperature was so high they covered me with ice blankets and turned fans towards me. I remember screaming and calling everyone every name in the book. Another one was where I could see through glass walls and my pantry was out side these glass walls. I could see my daughter and her under age friends taking booze out of the pantry. I also thought the Drs were stealing bottles of Crown Royal, I could see the boxes and bags the bottles come in. And finally I had a nurse that I thought was my youngest daughter. Called her my daughters name and would get mad when she didnt respond or do something I told her to do. I suffer from PTSD 2.5 years post Septic Shock, 3 years post Sepsis. I tremble when I hear a helicopters, I was transported via helicopter when I had Septic Shock. I mistake airplane's, air conditioners and other things for helicopters. If I don't take my sleeping pills. I have nightmares about the ice I was wrapped in.”
· “I survived sepsis. I was left by hospital staff in the cold shower for over an hour, unable to walk or call for help. Still cannot take a shower to this day from that experience. Nights were the worst at the hospital. I have mostly images I remember but have trouble expressing in words what I remember seeing or think I experienced. Just walking through the doors of a hospital for lab work now sends me into flashbacks and anxiety attacks, shaking, nausea and difficulty communicating with people. I still have nightmares triggered from smells, sounds and sights and still have not slept through the night since before sepsis.”
· “I was hallucinating both in ICU and in my private room after I was moved from ICU. No one realized I was hallucinating until after I got out of ICU. A nurse in ICU was really mad because I kept telling her she was putting my blood pressure cuff on incorrectly (I thought it was supposed to reach to my wrist with flowers). She kind of yelled at me. The nurses were impatient because it took so much energy to speak that it took a really long time to get my words out and as s result, they would interrupt me and finish my sentence (unfortunately incorrectly) and I didn’t have the energy to keep trying to talk. When I did get one to listen to my entire sentence she was then angry and made a comment suggesting I had changed what I said before. I only know about this incident because I accidentally recorded it on my phone.
Bottom line the ICU nurses never figured out I was hallucinating. When I was moved to third floor. Those nurses figured it out in literally 10 minutes. They reassured me and were very nice.
I saw bugs in my water, feces and urine on my sheets, flooding from the sink. I couldn’t remember hardly anything. My daughter (an RN) said the nurses in ICU kept asking her if I was “always like that” apparently when I asked questions or tried to talk they thought I was talking mean to them”. She said she kept telling them “that is not my mom she isn’t mean” but they still didn’t get it. Idk. I didn’t give them any bad reviews at all because all I know is true is the conversation I accidentally recorded and what my daughter told me. Everything else is clouded by not remembering a thing or having my doctor or daughter tell me what they were aware of that completely contradicted what i thought happened i was really afraid after i wad released i went to the mall to pick up stretchy slacks (had wound on my back) I remember thinking will i remember today or will it disappear from my memory also Sorry so long.
Oh and I have nightmares most nights. Only one really upset me so far. They rest have just been creepy and uncomfortable.”
· “ I went back to high school. The doctor asked me what the last thing I remembered was and I told him being in class. He asked me what days I go to school and I went through Monday - Friday. I graduated in 2006. He then pointed to my husband and asked who he was and I knew who he was however I didn’t know my husband until 2012. They handed me my cell phone and I had zero idea what it was for the first few days.
I woke up in ICU and thought I was in a motor vehicle accident. I became very combative due to being terrified. The first time I went unresponsive I remember seeing my parents doing CPR, the medics loading me into the plane and I told the doctor that I saw my grandma and brother who had passed away and said that they told me it wasn’t my time and I needed to fight harder. This time I don’t remember any hallucinations just being scared. It’s hard for me to sleep, I’ve gone non responsive 3 times and it’s terrifying to fall asleep wondering if I’m going to wake up in ICU with a tube down my throat and IVs everywhere.”
· “When my daughter was sedated, she heard the doctors and nurses talking about how she could die if her post operative edema wasnt under control soon.”
· “Since you will be sharing this with your ICU nursing staff, I would like to convey the importance of nurses believing the patients. One nurse almost killed me, one saved my life. When I was in ICU for bowel perforation, my heart rate shot up to 160. Within hours I was howling with pain. Hint- I was dying from sepsis. When I begged my nurse to tell my doctor that my pain was at a 10, her response was “oh you have anxiety.” I was shocked. I replied “No, I have sepsis and I am dying. Tell my doctor the pain is unbearable.” She finally did,’I had a CT with contrast (horribly painful to drink the contrast solution with a bowel perforation), and four hours later I had a sigmoidectomy. Ups and downs, finally on the 8th day my surgeon wanted to discharge me. He pulled out my JP drain. Within one hour I had excruciating pain again! The nurse was not worried in the least even though I was doubling over in spasms. My surgeon did not order more tests, he just put me on morphine and left. By the evening, I was still in spasms. I begged my nurse- “please help me, something is wrong and I am in horrible pain. Please help me!” She got the on call doctor the see me- what did he say? “You have anxiety”. I told him “I am going to stop you right there. I do not have anxiety, I have excruciating pain.” He finally agreed to give me another CT scan. Lo and behold I had appendicitis! Not anxiety, appendicitis!! The protocol was to keep me on IV antibiotics. Except my surgeon had discontinued it when he was discharging me the prior morning. Again, I turned to my nurse and asked her to please help me connect the dots, since the scans showed appendicitis why wasn’t I on antibiotics? She went out of her way to call my assistant surgeon, who then ordered the antibiotics. Moral of the story? Patient pain is downplayed. Female patients are told we have anxiety when we have life threatening conditions. One nurse almost killed me from her indifference, one saved my life because of her compassion. End of story.”
· “I feel super blessed with having had great nurses. I’ve only shared my hallucinations with my husband but here goes. I was in and out of consciousness. When I’d wake up I heard the dr saying she was putting in a central line, I remember coldness of the chest X-ray, I remember hearing pneumonia and sepsis, I remember hearing I might be intubated soon, I remember the dr yelling at the nurse if my blood pressure dropped even 1 point to start the vasopressors.
I remember seeing the clock on the wall but not being able to make sense of it. When I closed my eyes I was traveling through tunnels. Then I was with Jesus. He was in the lower left periphery. I don’t remember conversing other that communicating I was not ready and wanted to raise my kids. Honestly I felt the peace that passes all understanding beginning in the ambulance until I began to really understand what had happened. As I began to understand I felt tremendous fear at times. I still move between strong faith and strong fear.”