ICT Terminology 1: Resolution

ICT Terminology 1: Resolution

What is "Image resolution" ?

(While working in an ICT International company, I also need to learn the ICT terminology. Let me log my learning here and share to the people as Users, Buyers, Marketers who maybe interested but not that technical same as I am not technical lady la !) 


When I was in IBM selling ThinkPad several years ago, my SE (System Engineer) always introduce that NB has 14" LED with 1024x768 "resolution" (latest: 14.0" FHD IPS LED Backlight, AntiGlare 1920x1080 "resolution"... ) screen to Customers. Now I've joined the an ICT company, while I study BenQ Superior Conference Room Projector, I also found the product information has indicated : 4K UHD Image Quality for Perfect Pictures with Subtle Details................. : So, the 4k UHD (3840x2160), 1080p(1920X1080)、WXGA(1280x768) ....800X600、VGA are all used to describe the image "resolution", The Higher "resolution" means better image quality and more detail. (更高的解析度意味著更好的圖像質量)

「Resolution」~「Image resolution」。??

Wikipedia explains about Image resolution is the detail an image holds. The term applies to raster digital images, film images, and other types of images. Higher resolution means more image detail. Image resolution can be measured in various ways. 「Resolution」quantifies how close lines can be to each other and still be visibly resolved.

Many times, the term "resolution" is often considered equivalent to pixel count in digital imaging, though international standards in the digital camera field specify it should instead be called "Number of Total Pixels" in relation to image sensors.... An image of N pixels height by M pixels wide can have any resolution less than N lines per picture height, or N TV lines. But when the pixel counts are referred to as "resolution", the convention is to describe the pixel resolution with the set of two positive integer numbers, where the first number is the number of pixel columns (width) and the second is the number of pixel rows (height), for example as 7680 × 6876


而VGA、WXGA、Full HD等等,則是解析度的專有名詞。比方VGA是早期4:3螢幕的640X480解析度(Video Graphics Array 是IBM 於1987年提出的一個使用類比訊號的電腦顯示標準),SVGA是4:3螢幕中期的800X600解析度,以及XGA是後期的1024X768。WXGA為16:10的1366x768解析度,16:10曾經在電腦寬螢幕界風行過一陣子,後來因為某些原因,漸漸的被目前的主流16:9取代。時光流逝,科技進步飛速,今日所談FHD(Full High Definition)解析度是1920X1080,而UHD(Ultra)的解析度是3840x2160像素,畫素比FHD高了4倍。

現正流行的4K resolution是指顯示的水平解析度達到4000像素的級別,細緻度提升,影像更清晰。我家的數位電視好像就是4K的。如果你想買投影機, BenQ MX535 是XGA 的節能會議室投影機 ; BenQ MH535 是 1080p 節能高效三坪機 ! 可以考慮喔 !

Note: ( 剛剛發現BenQ 知識中心也有簡述解析度是什麼?它與螢幕尺寸有什麼關係?, 有興趣者可參考: 所謂解析度,就是螢幕能呈現多少個“點",要知道,我們從螢幕上看到的任何畫面、圖片和文字,都是藉由密密麻麻的“點"所組成,以同樣尺寸的螢幕來說,解析度愈高者(點愈多),所能呈現的畫面就愈細膩、逼真,內容也會愈多。details you can check BenQ knowledge center....... )


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