ICRS11 conference becomes a hybrid event : in person in Nancy or with a new option of video streaming for remote access
Société Fran?aise de Métallurgie et de Matériaux-SF2M
In about one month time, our ICRSS11 conference will take place in Nancy. We can reassure you. The health situation related to the COVID 19 pandemic has largely improved in France. Restrictions are gradually being lifted. However, we are aware that travel restrictions will still exist for some of you.
?In order to allow as many of you as possible to attend this conference, the organizing committee has decided to set up a platform to follow the oral presentations live. You will be able to ask your questions via a chat. Please note that we will not be able to broadcast the poster session. Only the posters pdf files will be accessible and you will be able to ask your questions via the chat.
?This new option generates significant additional costs, both in terms of equipment and additional human resources to be put in place. If you decide to participate remotely, we have set the following registration fees, which correspond to the initial “Early bird” registration fees.
?We hope that this hybrid solution will facilitate access to this event for the entire international Residual Stress community.