The Integrated Continuous Resiliency (ICR) standard, developed by BRCCI (brcci.org), is a comprehensive framework for continuity and resiliency best practices. This standard offers organizations a unified framework to achieve continuity and resiliency across business functions, IT services, and Cloud environment.
Resiliency is not just a trait but has become critical for organizations in today's challenging business and technology-driven environment. To navigate these challenges, organizations require a robust resiliency approach that incorporates resiliency across all service levels irrespective of operating conditions and scenarios. The scope of the ICR framework extends beyond the traditional business continuity and IT DR practices to achieve integrated and continuous resiliency requirements.
·???? Integrated Resiliency: This requirement emphasizes the importance of permeating resiliency across all levels of an organization - from its core business functions to its IT systems and cloud services. A lack of resiliency at one level can compromise resiliency at other levels. ICR offers a holistic approach to implementing an effective resiliency program by integrating resilience at every level.
·???? Continuous Resiliency: ICR introduces the “Continuous Resiliency” concept to underscore the organization’s requirements to maintain operational stability and service reliability at all times, irrespective of disaster scenarios. Unlike traditional business continuity frameworks, which often focus solely on preparing for disaster scenarios, ICR recognizes the importance of maintaining resilience even during normal, non-disaster conditions. This proactive approach ensures that organizations are prepared to weather any storm, whether it be a minor disruption or a full-scale crisis.
The ICR standard is intended as a guide for organizations to develop their Business Continuity and Resiliency (BCR) programs to achieve resiliency
·???? across all levels of an organization - from its core business functions to its IT systems and cloud services, and
·???? continuously, under all operating conditions and scenarios.
To read or download the complete ICR standard document, please visit brcci.org/standard