The Icon of Trust that has withstood the Test of Time - BY JAI SUNTHUSH ABEYEWARDENE
Jai Sunthush Abeyewardene
FREELANCE JOURNALIST for "thought provoking" Newspaper Supplements and Advertorial Articles on issues and events.
“Despite the technologies have changed tremendously, the very first telephone number that we published for the company still rings and we hear the cheerful voice of our clients asking for products and services” said Asoka Jayawardena, Director - Marketing & Operations of ABC Computers (Private) Limited.
I was glad to meet the entrepreneur and professional who made his venture thrive from the beginning through ethics and values he ingrained in his organization from its birth. Now, let's know his story.
Q: Let us know the fascinating legacy of your venture you have nurtured so painstakingly over the years and which has turned into the icon of trust cherished by consumers in their quest to have a hold on the exclusive products and extraordinary services you offer?
A. Our birth was humble with an entire operation based in two rooms with four people, known as Advanced Business Computers (Private) Limited, flexed it muscle and came into being on 12th of November 1992 at Ward Place, Colombo 07 at a time when the works of a computer or the versatile business machine's worth wasn't even known although it's far too familiar to us today.
At the inception, we concentrated on Desktop Publishing through the use of specialized software and high resolution printers to design and produce cost effective commercial quality printed material to Sri Lanka's advertising industry which was revolutionary and made us a sought after company for such work.
Somewhere around 1995 with the emergence of IBM compatible computers, the strangle hold and influence over Sri Lanka's computer industry which the proprietary brands had waned, then Advanced Business Computers moved in to fill the void in computer hardware.
Our multimedia equipment like the CD - ROM's, Sound Cards, Speakers, were in great demand and this opened doors for us to formulate a strong distribution network where dealers were located all over the country.
We added networking products and telecommunication equipment into the product portfolio and this resulted in us being recognized as one of the largest IT equipment distributor in Sri Lanka. In 2002 we re-launched our company as ABC Computers (Private) Limited in salutation to the people who faithfully patronized us so long, remembering us simply as ABC.
Year 2002 was yet another turning point in our journey. United Tractor and Equipment Limited famed as UTE who are the Sole Distributors for Caterpillar products in Sri Lanka entered into a strategic partnership with ABC and the awesome power of the new association propelled us to effortlessly make our presence felt in the corporate world and in government undertakings.
Q. It's a fascinating story no doubt but how is it that you only are seen clearly amongst a plethora of competitors?
A. It's purely due to our mission, our motto and what we stand for - “We Deliver. We Care”. In this trade once somebody pays for an item - the deal is closed. One of the critical components in technology sales being the after sales support, we are known for first-class customer support focused on rectifying any issue quickly and straightforwardly.
Our team is there for you whenever you need: advice and consultancy, spare parts, repairs and upgrades ABC's after-sales service team is devoted to providing fast and reliable delivery of genuine IT equipment and accessories to ensure efficient repairs and minimize downtime of your company.
Even major repairs will be carried out speedily with the least possible disruption. Since inception, we have always worked with world class brands such as HP, Dell, Apple, Wacom, Cisco, Intel, who are also renowned for their superior after sales support hence we too continue to extend the same levels of support to our clients.
Q. What are your future plans?
A. We always align our core competencies to be in unison with the rapid technology changes taking place at lightening speeds in the industry. We've got elaborate plans to soon make Sri Lankans to have easy access to their Cloud requirements, IoT product lines, Security Threat Management software and several e-Government initiatives. ABC has a vision to be best in what we do.
So we may not be the biggest but we will strive to be the best in our offerings to the clients on all our products and offerings.
We have completed 25 years in business and we are confident that you will see ABC Computers (Private) Limited into many more years offering superior products and services to its clients.