ICON feature The Experience Book
Adam Scott
Founder and Global Creative Director at FreeState // Co-Author The Experience Book and ReThink Design Guide // Visiting Fellow at Central Saint Martins, UAL
Deep Springtime Joy! The spring issue of Icon Magazine is just out and I am overjoyed to say has a wonderful?piece from The Experience Book on the sapeurs of Congo Brazzaville. You can read it here at Iconeye.com or go out and buy a copy in all its multi sensory wonderfulness at your local and quite delicious magazine store!
Here is the introduction to whet your appetite for that trip to the newsagents:
The following piece on the Sapeurs on Congo-Brassaville first appeared in a chapter titled 'In Control' in The Experience Book, a new tome by Adam Scott and Dave Waddell about designed experiences.
The chapter asserts that, in one way or another, all designed experiences are about control. Its case studies are illustrative of the ambition or effect of 'in control' design, whether historic, political or personal.
Sapeaurs are followers of a distinct fashion culture in aprts of the Congo. 'To Make a Beautiful Weapon' explores the movement's extraordinary use of clothes;?'For the sapeurs of the Congo, clothes are everything - identity, the mark of elegance, a passport to freedom.'
And lastly... Here is a link should you want to find out a little more about