ICF Code of Ethics for Coaching

This article aims to clarify deeply coaching code of ethics in terms of 11 Core Competencies.?

Based on ICF definition of coaching is partnering with clients in thought , provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential . In order to achieve this definition?, coach should be aware of eleven competencies to maintain effective and efficient partnership.

First competency is meeting?ethical guidelines and professional standards. ICF code of ethics are capable of providing principles which guide life coach behavior. These principles are not fully detailed regarding what the coach should do but provide clear guidelines to allow coach to move freely. Based on a survey conducted by Brennan and Wildflower in 2014 found that occurrence of consistency in ethical principles in various related profession . This consistency was clear in the coming 5 points.

  1. Do no harm: do not cause needless injury or harm to others?
  2. Duty of care: act in ways that promote the welfare of other people
  3. Know your Limits: Practice within your scope of competence?
  4. Respect the interests of the client?
  5. Respect the law?(Brennan & Wildflower 2014)

ICF standards of ethical conduct can be classified in to three parts. The first part illustrates definition of Coaching , client and conflict of interest . The second part is standards of ethical conduct and third part is a pledge of ethics?

The second competency is establishing the coaching agreement. There are two levels of agreement during coaching.First one is the working?agreement that addresses terms and conditions of the coaching process and the agreement . Second agreement which needs to be set up in every session. . Formulating a written agreement or contract is very beneficial to set the ground rules for both coach and client in order to be aware of their responsibilities . This written agreement will be also a necessity to fulfill professional coaching relationship.?

Moreover, the written agreement should include roles , objectives , duration , session schedule, responsibilities of coach and client ,payment conditions and contingencies. However, through out the agreement process , the coach should deeply pay attention to the coming three points in order to provide the most professional and healthy coaching relationship .

  1. how ready , interested or committed the client is?
  2. What other coaching experiences the client had?
  3. What expectations the client has for coach and coaching process.

These three points are vital since more or less can be considered key performance indicators for the readiness of the client . Furthermore , the mentioned three points will be vital also in referrals cases. As mentioned above , if the coach is aware of these points during the agreement then clarity about which issues are appropriate for coaching process will be attained . Since there are some topics related to anxiety , depression , substance abuse and other pathologies needs to be managed by referred professionals not through life coaching process .?

Third competency is establishing trust and intimacy with the client . This competency is defined by ICF as the ability to create safe, supportive environment that produces ongoing mutual respect and trust . Establishing trust is very vital for both coaching process and client relationship . As there is hardly any trust , so the client will face lots of obstacles to share his ideas , goals and concerns. In addition , establishing trust allows client to share his or her ideas without having the fear of being rejected or criticized . Therefore, if the client feels safe , accepted and respected then she or he will have a promising commitment and readiness?to the coaching process.

Nevertheless, better understanding of key elements of the trust will lead to promising trust and intimacy with the client. Based on” In The Speed Of trust “by Steven Covey identifies four aspects of developing trust during coaching process.?

Fourth competency is coaching presence. ICF defines coaching presence as the ability to be fully conscious and create a spontaneous relationship with the client , employing a style that is open , flexible and confident. Coaching presence can be described as a kind of bubble which consists?of coach and client only?. This bubble will have a positive impact on the?client to feel safe and secured which will lead him or her to open up. Furthermore, coaching presence means to focus on here and now and to restrict internal dialogue . This means that the coach should be mindfulness and deeply pay attention to the client’s verbal and nonverbal expressions.?

?Another vital point related to coaching presence is how the coach emphasizes the relationship with client. This emphasizes means spontaneous . Establishing spontaneous relationship with client is very beneficial to accompany the client to unknown or undiscovered areas during the coaching process.?

However, coaching presence can be adhered?and practiced through mindfulness and intuition .if the coach posses?mindfulness?then the coaching process will be effective since the coach let go the thoughts that prevent him to be fully presence during the session .?

Fifth competency is active listening .That means it is not about hearing at all . It is about listening to what is behind the story or words . This deeper level of listening requires tracking client content in cochee’s vision, values and purposes. Also the coach should listen to where is the client is standing during when he or she is outbalanced and also the story behind fulfillment . Moreover , the coach should listen to level 2 and 3 of listening in order to formulate strong connection with the client..The coach should actively listens to what is behind the story or words .Which means the coach should listen actively to client’s tone , mood , nuance and the choice of words.

is vital to uncover what is behind the story or words. Generally speaking, people become more transparent while sharing their thoughts when the know and feel the attention of listening is given to them. However, listening is categorized under three categories based on the level of deepness while listening.?

First level of listening is internal listening . It is basically most of the listening awareness is focused?on ourselves. Which means simply we ask ourselves what does this mean to me? Most of our attention is based on our thoughts, core beliefs, assumptions and our feelings.?

Second level of listening is focused listening.The term “focused” means the occurrence of focusing on the other person. The awareness of of the life coach is totally reflected on the client’s words, expressions , facial expressions . This particular level of listening should include empathy , clarification and collaboration in order to build effective relationship with client . This effective relationship can be described as the coach and the client are inside a bubble?.

Last but not least , is global listening. This level can be described as coach and the client are in the center of universe . A sharped focus is on the client . As the relationship is more or less like hard wired.In that level the awareness of the coach is close to “ environmental listening”. The coach is aware of the temperature, energy level, and the lightness and the darkness in a very deep and sharped focused?level. Not only sharped focus is required but also open sensation is required in order to be steady to receive information from all the coach’s senses.?

The sixth competency is powerful questioning. Based on ICF definition . Powerful questioning basically means ‘ to ask questions that reveal the information needed for maximum benefit to the client “ . To accomplish this ability the coach should put in consideration that it is not by the amount or list of questions .Effective powerful questioning skill is about asking questions that are unique , open, short and concise . If the questions?were high in?mentioned four characterises , then these questions will have positive impact on the client to gain awareness, new perspectives, insights and commitment .?

Seventh competency is direct communication . Direct communication based on ICF definition. It basically means “to communicate effectively during coaching sessions, and to use language that has the greatest positive effect on the client”. Coach should practice clarity while he or she is communicating with the client . This clarity can be attained through formulation of his or her ideas in the mind before saying them as to reach intention during communication . It is highly recommended to use metaphors and analogies while communicating with the client . And also to use client’s expressions and words. The above can be considered as the elements of having the ability to practice?direct communication effectively?

The last three ICF core components are a part of the facilitating learning and results. ICF nine, ten and eleven core competencies are designing action, planning and goal setting and?managing progress and accountability .Based on ICF definition on these competencies is “ to create with client opportunities for ongoing learning during coaching and in work /life situations, and for taking new actions that will most effectively lead to agreed upon coaching results, the ability to develop and maintain an effective coaching plan with client “ Nevertheless, the coaching process should be full of exploration and insight oriented in order to enhance the client to gain learning and awareness from the session. This learning and awareness will be very crucial to let the client to take new commitment to achieve his or her objective or action . However, problem solving and taking an immediate action is needed but what is more crucial is allowing the client to explore what he or she wants in order to achieve her or his goal or objective. Because if the coach tried to identify the needed action during the beginning of the session, the client will be not fulfilled since he or she has limited knowledge , awareness and learning. Since the coach shouldn’t leave the client with only one alternative possible to reach his or her goal. The coach should partner with client to find various alternatives that will lead to accomplishing his or her objective . That means discussing the obstacles can be a vital notion towards implementing plan . As it allows the client readiness before facing them . This readiness can be translated to learning opportunities. The above can be considered as the definition and benefits of these three core competencies on client’s progress and learning opportunities during coaching session.

?Last but not least, it is very crucial that the formulation of the pan based on S.M.A.R.T technique in order to motivate the client of accomplishing this plan rather than to be just left on paper.?


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