The Iceberg Illusion
Tobechi Obinwanne
Data Science Researcher @ SHARE-CTD EU | Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions Scholar | FAIR Data Advocate
Have you ever been part of a stage play or the making of a movie?
Often times what the audience see in the roughly 2 hours of entertainment is the "ice above the surface".
They don't see the roughening out of edges, the effort that went into costuming and set design, the fails, the blops and the stress of rehearsing late into the night and memorizing lines... This is what is sometimes referred to as the Iceberg Illusion... Every ounce of gold goes through a process that entails going through the furnace...
In martial arts we say, no pain, no gain...
I wish you all a "gainful" and successful 2020...
---Tobechi Obinwanne, December, 2019