ICE the Mice_3
4. Falcons!
??????????Ask for the help of the world’s many falconers! They are the people who hunt with hawks. I think many (most) will welcome the opportunity to come and lend the talents of their birds to a major cause like exterminating rodents endangering the livelihoods of people! Of course, falcons can also be used also after the ferrets are let loose, but there must be careful coordination – we don’t want the mighty birds to hunt down OUR valiant “rats” (the ferrets)!
?????????This is an opportunity of a lifetime! Imagine: you’re a knight, training/playing in those awesome medieval tournaments. And then you have to opportunity to go and fight in a real war! A just war. Wouldn’t you jump at it? Let these professionals and their expert birds have the honor to fight a war against this very real plague!??
?????????Also, I hear the government plans on using some evil, wildlife killing poison to get rid of the mice. Why not use these beautiful animals to kill the vermin, instead of killing them and others and poisoning the environment?! And this long-lasting, 2nd generation rodenticide will probably (surely?) harm humans too.
?????????There’s a petition against the poison:
?4bis. Owls and eagles
??????????They’re an option too, as are other birds of prey if they are trained already; or can be trained fast enough to pile up the numbers of killings.
??????????5. Birdshot
?????????Also, hunt them with birdshot. It’s neither honorable nor fair for hunting, but hell! that’s NOT the purpose. The purpose is to WIPE OUT THE MICE! With proper training, even kids old and mature enough can have fun spraying mice with the tiny deadly balls.
I think many kids/teens in the outback already have hunting experience. But sure, whether to put guns in kids’ hands is up to their parents and the authorities. And only under adult supervision! Get the whole family out mice-hunting! Have a picnic (more on this later ;)). With safety precautions!!! #firearmstraining #gunsafe #gunsafety #gunresponsibility
? This very good article shows you how wide is the spread at 10 feet, imagine how many of the pesky pests you will take out with just one shot.
??????????6. Gas
??????????But these little buggers also nest up in enclosed spaces. When that’s the case, pump Carbon Dioxide or Monoxide (dunno which is the better killer – I have a hunch it’s the Mono, plus, it’s not greenhouse, right ;)) to exterminate them. I know none of these enclosed spaces are perfectly sealed, but it will work to a very high degree, and for whichever ones that escape, there are the dogs, the ferrets, the falcons and the birdshot waiting for them outside. One note: of course is tempting to attach a hose to your car’s exhaust to give it to them, but I’m afraid that will spoil whatever you have in said enclosed space (I’m thinking grains or other produce). So maybe no. Use a stove? Seems cleaner. And the noxious gases that are supposed to go up the chimney go into where the pesky runts are having an indoor picnic! Or, if this is also too dirty for the produce, just get the gas cylinder and let it rip into wherever they’re hiding, the runty bastards!
??????????* I take his opportunity to remind everyone to install CO (Carbon Monoxide) detectors in their homes and carry along portable ones when necessary. It’s so stupid to die like this! And so easy to avoid.
Don’t let it happen to you. Please.