Nisar Ahmad
HR Manager | USDA Certified | M.Phill | Gold Medalist | L&D | B2C & B2B FMCG sales
Destiny, it seems, has pre-ordained each of us to be forever chained to specific household chores. Here at home, I have somehow become the ice cube maker. Because I'm a three-tray man, I must maintain constant vigilance to keep an adequate supply for our family and the assorted friends that drop by.
Experience has proven that it takes eight hours for my three trays to turn from H2O into harvest able cubes. By harvesting my crop just before bed and then again at breakfast, I'm able to keep the inventory at an acceptable level.
I realize that if I bought more trays, the weighty responsibility of the job would be reduced, but truth be told, I kind of enjoy the challenge - and fulfillment - of keeping a full ice cube pan by using just three trays. In fact, because I never know when my supply will be raided by an unanticipated increase in demand, say, filling a picnic cooler or wrapping a banged up knee, I tend to over do it. My ice cube pan literally runneth over.
I'm fascinated by the simplicity of making ice.
What I admire so much is that by taking just 30 seconds now, you can start a process that works for eight hours on its own with no further effort required.
I'm constantly searching out other such activities.
Starting the washing machine before bed is an ice cube theory activity. Several seconds of effort, turns into a load of washed clothing when you awaken. The dryer and the dishwasher work the ice cube theory with equal magic.
Those with interest-bearing bank accounts are utilizing the ice cube theory. By making a deposit (something that takes just a moment) money is earned with no further effort for as long as it's left alone.
Letter writers fall into the same category. It may take just a few minutes to write and mail one, but it then goes on a three day cross-country journey without another thought, generating a response which arrives long after the original action is forgotten.
Checking out a library book on cassette tape is another example. Takes just a minute to choose one, and then you get to enjoy - and learn - during many hours of what used to be unproductive driving time.
Calling for information about your most far-fetched dream is another. Takes just a minute, and then the magic of the postal system runs its course and before you know it, an exciting package arrives.
Gardeners are the consummate ice cube theorists. After just several minutes of planting seeds, they're soon tripping over tomato plants, rose bushes or watermelons.
The art of taking a moment NOW to put events in motion that eventually bear fruit far in excess of their original effort is not to be underrated. Those who have mastered the ice cube theory, have mastered the secret of NOW.
Through the use of NOW - the only time we really have - we set in motion a chain of events which either produce an abundant inventory of realized dreams, or an unfulfilled life scattered with empty ice cube trays.
Despite my management of the household ice situation, occasionally someone still throws an empty tray back into the freezer without refilling it with water.
I'm struck by the shortsightedness of the action. Not because I fear running out - but because of the opportunity that was missed. Eight whole hours passed without results just because someone didn't take 30 seconds to put the event in motion!
Can you imagine the pain of reaching the end of a lifetime, and discovering that for want of a few better utilized moments, there's nothing in your harvest but a pile of empty ice cube trays?
Now that's a chilling thought.
Thanks dear reader. Nisar Ahamd