ICC Presidency requested to seek UN contribution under Article 115(b) in Sudan case

ICC Presidency requested to seek UN contribution under Article 115(b) in Sudan case

On 25 September 2020, the Defence for Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman requested the ICC Presidency to enter negotiation with the United Nations on the payment of the outstanding contribution of 49+Millions euros to the Court in relation to the financing of the activities of the Court in the Situation in Darfur, Sudan, referred to the ICC by Res. 1593 of UNSC. The Defence points out to UNGA Res. 67/295 of 2013 by which the General Assembly recommended the payment of UN contributions to the activities of the Court in relation to the Situation in Darfur. The Defence submits that the former authorities of the Court were negligent in not entering negotiation with the UN and that this had catastrophic consequences on the current financial situation of the Court, jeopardizing its capacity to fulfil its mandate. Current ICC Presidency is now requested to intervene to redress that situation inherited from its predecessors.


