The ICA works to strengthen the pet export process.
ICA - Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario
Trabajamos por la sanidad agropecuaria y la inocuidad agroalimentaria del campo colombiano.
Bogotá. To coordinate and improve the process of exporting service/comfort animals?(dogs and cats) from Colombia to other countries, officials from the Colombian Agricultural and Livestock Institute (ICA) met with veterinarians (MV) and veterinary zootechnicians (MVZ) to affirm some important requirements for the proper execution of the process, established in current regulations.
?In this meeting convened by the Colombian Association of Veterinary Doctors and Zootechnicians (Acovez), the successes, drawbacks, and difficulties that have arisen during the process for pets traveling to another country were set forth, considering that, since 2022, these professionals participate in the issuance of health certificates, since they are in charge of carrying out the clinical inspection of the animal, guaranteeing compliance with the requirements of both Colombia and the country of destination.
?The national health authority stressed that it is of great importance to unify criteria with the MV and MVZ that are active, since they are an important source. They allow significantly speeding up the time for the certificate issuance.
?"We seek to work directly on the processes so that they can resolve the concerns that arise in their daily lives. All this is to generate a coordinated process of co-responsibility between the Institute and private veterinarians. In this space, we wanted to generate awareness, knowledge, and a sense of belonging, not only towards the exaltation of their profession but also towards animal health in Colombia and the certification process," pointed out the technical director of Quarantine, Germán Silva Amézquita.
?Additionally, ICA officials explained that to carry out a successful process, the traveler also has part of the responsibility for the process since they are the ones who must provide animal health professionals with information about the service/comfort animals and their travel route (layovers and destination).
?"You have to understand that this process is a chain of links. There are the MV and MVZ (as fundamental agents for us), there is the traveler who must also have a responsibility in the process, and there is the ICA," highlighted Silva Amézquita.
?The MV, MVZ, and users must see the Institute as an ally that listens to them and provides them with the technical tools for the proper development of their procedures or activities, following national and international standards.
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1 年El ICA en la reglamentacion en los procesos de exportacion en peque?as especies. Caninos y felinos