IBM Z Job Management System with FastAPI and Django

IBM Z Job Management System with FastAPI and Django

This post walks through how I developed an IBM Z Job Management System using FastAPI for the backend and Django for the frontend. This system allows users to list IBM Z jobs and view detailed spool content in a user-friendly web interface.

Why FastAPI and Django?

  • FastAPI: A modern, high-performance framework for building APIs with Python. It supports asynchronous programming, making it highly efficient for handling IBM Z job requests.
  • Django: A robust web framework that simplifies frontend development with built-in ORM, templating, and authentication.
  • IBM Z Integration: FastAPI communicates with IBM Z via Zowe CLI, enabling seamless job management.

System Features

1. Job Listing

Users can retrieve a list of all jobs currently running on IBM Z.

2. Spool Content Viewing

Users can access detailed spool content for any job, including:

  • JESMSGLG: Job message log
  • JESJCL: Job control language
  • JESYSMSG: System messages

Project Architecture

The system consists of two main components:

Backend (FastAPI)

FastAPI serves as the backend, handling API requests and interacting with IBM Z via Zowe CLI.

Project Structure:

|--  # FastAPI application entry point
|-- zowe.config.json  # IBM Z configuration
|-- zowe.schema.json  # Schema definition

Installing Dependencies

pip install fastapi uvicorn requests

Defining API Endpoints (

from fastapi import FastAPI
import subprocess

app = FastAPI()

def get_jobs():
    command = "zowe jobs list jobs --json"
    result =, shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True)
    return result.stdout

def get_spool(job_id: str):
    command = f"zowe jobs view spool-content-by-id {job_id} --json"
    result =, shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True)
    return result.stdout

Running the FastAPI Server

uvicorn main:app --reload

Frontend (Django)

Django provides a web interface where users can view and interact with IBM Z jobs.

Project Structure:

|-- jobfrontend/
    |-- templates/
    |--  # Django views for job management
    |--  # URL routing

Installing Django

pip install django

Creating Views (

from django.shortcuts import render
import requests

def job_list(request):
    response = requests.get("")
    jobs = response.json()
    return render(request, "jobs.html", {"jobs": jobs})

def job_spool(request, job_id):
    response = requests.get(f"{job_id}/spool")
    spool_content = response.json()
    return render(request, "spool.html", {"spool": spool_content})

Jobs View IBM Z

Setting Up URLs (

from django.urls import path
from .views import job_list, job_spool

urlpatterns = [
    path("jobs/", job_list, name="job_list"),
    path("jobs/<str:job_id>/spool/", job_spool, name="job_spool"),

Creating an HTML Template (jobs.html)

<h1>IBM Z Jobs</h1>
    {% for job in jobs %}
        <li><a href="/jobs/{{ }}/spool/">{{ }} - {{ job.status }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}

Running the Django Server

python runserver

Spool View


Before running the project, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.8+
  • Zowe CLI (for interacting with IBM Z)

Connecting FastAPI and Django

Django calls the FastAPI backend to retrieve job data and display it in the web interface. This is achieved using REST API calls.

Challenges and Solutions

  • Asynchronous API Calls: FastAPI’s async capabilities ensure quick response times.
  • IBM Z Authentication: Using secure Zowe profiles to manage credentials.
  • Frontend and Backend Communication: Utilizing Django’s requests module to fetch job data.


This IBM Z Job Management System showcases the power of FastAPI and Django in building an efficient, scalable, and user-friendly interface for managing IBM Z jobs. By leveraging FastAPI’s speed and Django’s structured frontend, this project provides a seamless workflow for job management.


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