IBM APM: The difference APM on Premise and on SaaS
In this video we talk about the difference between the functionality of IBM Cloud Application Performance Management which is installed On Premise and the version that is supplied by IBM as Software as a Service (SaaS).
The benefits of the IBM’s SaaS offering rather than an on-site installation are:
- No need to provide hardware for the installation of the main application software.
- No software downloads, besides the agents, which are small files.
- Minimal time to set up the application software, as it is pre-installed and configured.
- Once signed up, you download the agents to the servers and are ready to go. The agents are preconfigured to know where they should connect to.
- Service subscription on a month-by-month basis
The benefits of an on-site installation are
- Easier integration of an on-premise solution to your systems environment than with a SaaS solution
- Possible security risks if you are working with a SaaS solution, because Cloud access is via the Internet. Although the risk is limited, communications are only from the agent to the server in the cloud and not in the opposite direction.
- On-premise solutions are much more customisable, but with SaaS you have limited customisation, as it is all preconfigured by IBM.
- You own the licenses, as opposed to not owning any licenses if it is based in the Cloud.