International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation (IBC) // Uluslararas? Mavi Hilal Vakf?
24 years in the service of humanity // ?nsanl???n hizmetinde 24 y?l
IBC continues to develop comprehensive and sustainable projects specifically addressing the problem of access to clean water in Africa.
While 700 million people in the world do not have access to clean water, the water consumed by approximately 2 billion people; does not comply with basic hygiene rules.
While global climate change, rapid population growth, environmental pollution, and economic crises threaten drinking water and agricultural irrigation resources, approximately 115 people die from diseases caused by polluted waters every hour in the entire African continent.
In all this framework; IBC recently completed the opening of 39 water wells with the support of IDRF (International Development and Relief Foundation) .
Waterwells; After the needs assessment studies carried out by the IBC Africa Team in the region, especially in the Sahel belt; 10 wells in Chad, 25 wells in Niger, and 4 wells in Burkina Faso became operational.
IBC; While continuing to develop clean water access projects for the villages of the regions with limited means of transportation; It will continue to meet the basic needs of the Sahel region, which has the most irregular migration in Africa, which is dominated by drought, desertification, and extreme poverty.