iAPSCC? Recognition Platform...
for iAPSCC? by Titiwoot Weerawong (Thailand)

iAPSCC? Recognition Platform...

I founded iAPSCC? (international Association of Planners, Schedulers, and Cost Controllers) web- and chapter-based recognition platform as a passion project for two reasons: 1) a desire to share my years of international lessons-learned experience and knowledge with those whose value-contribution recognition is often underrated, and 2) to advocate for a professional designation status for Maintenance & Project Planners, Schedulers, and Cost Controllers, whereby they receive the highest respect and compensation for their value contribution to increasingly complex and growing industries around the globe.

"I advocate for the value-contribution recognition of Maintenance & Project Planners, Schedulers, and Cost Controllers, those whose potential to significantly enhance business and project performance is often underrated."

I look forward to steering this chapter-based organization with the support of an emerging Board of Directors, Chapter Managers, Advertisers and Sponsors, and most importantly, to those of you who subscribe for free—because I know you're as passionate as I am about this opportunity!

www.iapscc.com launch date: mid-September 2023 (free to join)

EJ (Ted) Lister: Founder & CEO

[email protected]

iAPSCC, its tagline, and logo are registered trademarks? of Lister Enterprises Inc.



