IAMCP New Jersey Chapter Fundraiser: "Elijah's Promise Challenge Grant"
Dear members and friends of the IAMCP NJ Chapter community.
The IAMCP NJ Board is starting a fundraiser and issuing a challenge grant …
We will match up to $1,500 in total donations from members and friends of the IAMCP NJ chapter to Elijah's Promise Community Kitchen, a New Brunswick-based non-profit serving meals to those in need. We as a chapter volunteered at Elijah’s Promise last December. And plan to do the same this December.
Here is the link to a recent and very powerful New Jersey Star Ledger article which includes a piece on Elijah’s Promise and Chef Curtis - https://projects.nj.com/24hours/.
The section which includes his wonderful photo -- featured as the header image for this post -- is a little more than half way through the article. I encourage everyone to read all of the short stories of true American heroes.
Here’s all you need to donate and self-report:
- Go to https://elijahspromise.org/blog/covid-19-emergency-update-may/ and donate.
- Email Tom Ireland, IAMCP NJ Chapter president, at [email protected] and self-report how much you / your organization donated.
That’s it. That simple.
Thanks in advance for your support of this worthy cause … your IAMCP NJ team - Tom Ireland, Tyler Bowman, Gianna Santaniello, Judy DeFeo, John Halsell, Karl Ufert, Eric Rabinowitz, Ray Shupak, Lou Priore, Jeff Goldstein.
Please follow IAMCP NJ on Social Media:
Photo credit Andrew Mills ? 2020 NJ Advance Media. All rights reserved.