IACS S?rvey?rler i?in Güvenlik Rehberi Rec. 184'ü Yay?nlad? / IACS has Published the Safety Guidelines for Surveyors Rec. 184
IACS üyesi bir klas kurulu?u olarak, klas kurulu?lar?n?n en de?erli kayna?? olan s?rvey?rlerimizin sa?l?k ve güvenli?ine büyük ?nem veriyoruz. ?zellikle, denetim ve inceleme süre?lerinde ?e?itli sa?l?k ve güvenlik riskleriyle kar??la?ma ihtimali olan Türk Loydu s?rvey?rleri i?in güvenli ?al??ma ko?ullar?n?n sa?lanmas?, bizim i?in ?ncelikli bir konudur. Bu ba?lamda, Uluslararas? Klas Kurulu?lar? Birli?i (IACS), s?rvey?rlerin kar??la?t??? i? sa?l??? ve güvenli?i (?SG) risklerine y?nelik kapsaml? bir rehber yay?mlam??t?r. IACS Rec. 184 rehberi, sekt?rdeki güvenlik standartlar?n?n iyile?tirilmesi ve ortak deneyimlerin payla??lmas?n? te?vik etmek amac?yla, güvenlik uygulamalar?n? art?rmay? ve kaza oranlar?n? azaltmay? hedeflemektedir.
Rehber, klas kurulu?lar? ve di?er denizcilik operasyonlar?na kat?lan tüm personelin güvenli?ini sa?lamak ad?na kritik ?nlemler sunmakta olup, risk de?erlendirmeleri ve durumsal fark?ndal?k gibi ana ba?l?klara odaklanmaktad?r. S?rvey?rlerin kar??la?abilece?i potansiyel tehlikelere haz?rl?kl? olmalar?n? sa?lamak amac?yla pratik yakla??mlar ve güvenlik ?nlemleri detayland?r?lm??t?r.
Bu rehber ile IACS, ?SG standartlar?n? gü?lendirmeyi, s?rvey?rlerin ve ba?l? tüm personelin güvenli?ini ve sa?l???n? ?n planda tutmay? ama?lamaktad?r. Ayr?ca, klas kurulu?lar? aras?nda tutarl? güvenlik uygulamalar? geli?tirilerek daha güvenli ve sürdürülebilir bir denizcilik sekt?rü i?in ?nemli bir ad?m at?lmaktad?r.
Rehberin ?ne ??kan Ba?l?klar?:
Rehberde ayr?ca, yükseklik ?al??malar?, botlar aras?nda ge?i?, kapal? alanlarda yap?lan denetimler gibi daha yüksek ?SG riskleri ta??yan faaliyetlere dair ?zel ?nlemler yer almaktad?r. Ayr?ca, bas?n? testleri, elektriksel enerji kontrolü ve deniz denemelerine kat?l?m gibi alanlarda da güvenlik ?nlemleri detayland?r?lmaktad?r. A??r? hava ko?ullar?na, tehlikeli maddelere ve seyahatle ilgili güvenlik ?nlemlerine dair uyar?lar da yer almaktad?r.
IACS’?n yay?nlad??? bu kapsaml? rehber, s?rvey?rler, klas kurulu?lar? ve sekt?r payda?lar? i?in ?nemli bir kaynak olup, en yüksek güvenlik standartlar?n? korumay? ama?layan tüm taraflar i?in de?erli bir referans olma ?zelli?i ta??maktad?r.
Rehberin tamam?na, IACS web sitesinden ula??labilir.
IACS has Published the Safety Guidelines for Surveyors Rec. 184
As a member of IACS, we place great importance on the health and safety of our employees, who are the most valuable resource of classification societies. Ensuring safe working conditions for Türk Loydu surveyors, who often face various health and safety risks during inspection and survey processes, is a top priority for us. In this context, the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) has published a comprehensive guide addressing the occupational health and safety (OHS) risks faced by surveyors. The IACS Rec. 184 guide aims to improve safety standards in the industry and promote the sharing of experiences to enhance safety practices and reduce accident rates.
The guide offers critical measures to ensure the safety of all personnel involved in classification and maritime operations, focusing on key areas such as risk assessments and situational awareness. It provides practical approaches and safety measures to ensure surveyors are prepared for the potential hazards they may encounter.
With this guide, IACS aims to strengthen OHS standards, prioritizing the safety and health of surveyors and all associated personnel. Additionally, the development of consistent safety practices across classification societies will contribute to a safer and more sustainable maritime industry.
Key Highlights of the Guide:
The guide also addresses activities with higher OHS risks for surveyors, providing specific safety measures for tasks such as working at heights, transferring between boats, and conducting surveys in confined spaces. It further includes safety precautions for pressure tests, electrical energy control, and participation in sea trials. Warnings for extreme weather conditions, hazardous materials, and travel-related safety concerns are also covered.
This comprehensive guide published by IACS serves as an essential resource for surveyors, classification societies, and industry stakeholders, providing a valuable reference for all parties aiming to maintain the highest safety standards.
The full document can be accessed on the IACS website.
Fleet Manager & Master DPO
1 个月Salih Tokmak ?irketin reklam yüzü :)