RECAP: The UI and UX design activities and contents were discussed along with accessibility and ARIA.
Let's quick touch base to ARIA guidelines. As published by w3c, the latest recommendation for ARIA is Accessible Rich Internet Application (WAI-ARIA) 1.2.
Here are simplest best practice guidelines
- Use native HTML element or attribute with the required semantics & behavior rather than element with ARIA roles, state or property. With HTML 5 , it has added many semantic tags making it easier to stay away from ARIA role, state etc. Stick to native semantics unless absolutely necessary. e.g. the HTML5 <nav> element shall be used instead of the adding the ARIA role=”navigation” to a div element.
- All the interactive controls or elements must be usable with keyboards and shall have an accessible name.
- Avoid role="presentation"?or?aria-hidden="true"?on a?focusable?element.
- Avoid hidden form instructions using an ARIA label.
- If ARIA role is used then ensure it is used correctly, properly and meets the use expectations. e.g. if <div> is used with ARIA role as "button" then ensure to implement JavaScript to provide keyboard interactions as expected from a "button".
- Use ARIA to add semantics instead of taking away the existing semantics. Web authors generally end up overriding accessibility semantics with ARIA usage. e.g. if a grid element is created and then added the ARIA role “log” to it, the assistive technology users would not be able to perceive it as a grid.
The WAI provides a suite of web standards for using ARIA in HTML and there are more than a dozen of roles, states, and properties available for defining accessible user interface elements, including:
- alert
- alertdialog (name required)
- application (name required)
- article
- banner
- blockquote
- button (name required)
- cell
- checkbox (name required)
- columnheader (name required)
- combobox (name required)
- command
- complementary
- composite
- contentinfo
- definition
- dialog (name required)
- directory
- document
- feed
- figure
- form
- grid (name required)
- gridcell
- group
- heading (name required)
- img (name required)
- input
- landmark
- link (name required)
- list
- listbox (name required)
- listitem
- log
- main
- marquee (name required)
- math
- meter (name required)
- menu
- menubar
- menuitem (name required)
- menuitemcheckbox (name required)
- menuitemradio (name required)
- navigation
- note
- option (name required)
- progressbar (name required)
- radio (name required)
- radiogroup (name required)
- range
- region (name required)
- row
- rowgroup
- rowheader (name required)
- scrollbar
- search
- searchbox (name required)
- sectionhead
- select
- separator
- slider (name required)
- spinbutton (name required)
- status
- switch (name required)
- tab
- table (name required)
- tablist
- tabpanel (name required)
- term
- textbox (name required)
- time
- timer
- toolbar
- tooltip (name required)
- tree (name required)
- treegrid (name required)
- treeitem (name required)
- window
How to test if a website has accessibility support? There is way to test it manually -
The UX design principles will be covered in following articles.
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