IA Labs celebrates International Day of Persons with Disabilities
International Day of Persons with Disabilities falls on the 3rd of December. This month, IA Labs were delighted to participate in the Open Doors Initiative ’s early celebration of the event! Funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth , the Employers for Change programme of the initiative chose ‘Transforming Dublin into an Accessible and Inclusive City’ as the theme of the day.
IA Labs’ QA and Customer Success Manager, Adela Buliman , was invited to speak on a panel about The Role of Digital and Physical Accessibility. She was joined by Patrick Flanagan from Towards Work (the panel chair), Shane Conneely from Chambers Ireland , and Rosie McAdam from BT Ireland .
The panellists had a very thought-provoking conversation about how accessibility can transform Dublin City into a more inclusive place. Adela highlighted the incoming European Accessibility Act and how it will impact businesses in Ireland, as well as the need for digital accessibility from a rights, legislation, and positive business perspective.
The Open Doors Initiative supports people with disabilities on their journey to further education and employment. On the other hand, employers and educational institutions must put in the work to ensure their digital platforms are accessible, thus giving more opportunities to employees and students with disabilities. Contact IA Labs today to see what we can do to help you.
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IA Labs can help to ensure your website or mobile application meets WCAG 2.1 standards and is fully compliant with the guidelines set out in the EU Web Accessibility Directive. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive approach to digital inclusion or follow us on LinkedIn to keep up on the latest about digital accessibility.