The I.A as the axis of the future

The I.A as the axis of the future

Currently we have seen how novel careers and purely manual work are being forgotten due to the new boom that corresponds in the world, which is programming, we must take into account that large companies worldwide, such as Amazon, Google and networks Social are based on extensive algorithms to give the required satisfaction to a demanding public of immediate communication.

Artificial intelligence is taking the world, leaving behind those office programmers as they are called within companies, for a more robust and congruent development with the current market. (Journal of research and science)

Taking into account automated learning achieving strong advances in any engineering such as:

·     Learning goals

·     Operating Models

·     Intuitive machines

·     Increases in scientific studies

·     Solving trivial problems within a service conversation.

·     Replicability in administrative problems.

The big companies today that are focused on manual operability, such as conventional logistics, will gradually become forgotten, to the memory of those companies that once were but did not follow, precisely because they are not adaptable to change, having in mind that artificial intelligence is not only mistakenly believed to work only and exclusively for the handling of physical robots as we see it in the films and in the developments of Chinese companies trained to optimize an operation in a factory.

Artificial intelligence itself, carries more than a robot spark, Eric Baldwin says, "It is machine learning and generative design have begun to shape architecture as we know it. As systems and tools to reimagine the built environment, they present various opportunities to rethink traditional workflows. Designers also fear that they may adversely affect the practice, limiting the services of the architect. Looking for new technologies, new companies are creating software and projects to explore the future of design. "

The robot magazine reports, "Artificial Intelligence is a digital technology so sophisticated and unknown that its complexity is only comparable to the fear it generates among the population. These fears clash head-on with economic reports."

The Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities catalogs artificial intelligence as the following, "AI can be defined as Science and Engineering that allows designing and programming machines capable of carrying out tasks that require intelligence to be performed. More To achieve general intelligence, current AI focuses on what is known as specific AI, which is producing very important results in many fields of application such as natural language processing or artificial vision; however, from a From a scientific and basic and applied research point of view, general AI remains the great objective to be achieved, that is, to create an ecosystem with intelligent multitasking systems. "

Simply put, artificial intelligence goes beyond an autonomous robot capable of thinking and doing human labor; is to give a machine the ability to save us time as humans to develop other types of complementary or productive activities generating a greater income for companies, and even generating an efficient and effective work capacity among the employees of a company, for example an advisor that each customer service chat should respond and make a list of priorities on the problems faced by each client within the services, you can not give the appropriate solution to each one, and focus on improving the problems if you decide to do everything manually, in the If you had a virtual answering machine capable of saying the solutions to basic problems, without the need for human help, the employee could focus on the afternoon of continuous improvement in their daily activity, facing the day-to-day challenges without needing Deviate from your goals due to trivial problems.

The case of the companies is much more complex, for the administrative areas the development of a system that executes the routine activities for the decision making are fundamental, since generally the less expert people or that are not related to the programming It takes 30 to an hour to compile and extract information to achieve an analysis that your superior must then analyze and confirm that it is correct, taking into account that the current meetings and is a model taken from the British hierarchy and its ministers, whose meetings do not they must last more than 20 minutes, just say what is necessary and give the necessary solution, but in this case companies take longer in meetings than in solutions, time lost in any vital productive activity. Artificial intelligence aims to find all these obstacles or constant problems that require us some time, giving a quick solution with just one click, we generate all that solution in less than 5 minutes, giving the time even to think clearly without need to be mentally exhausted for a second job, the ability to give an effective solution to problems and quickly, being able to face more than one problem at a time.

A great field of development for this type of advanced engineering is found in programming, in data algorithms, which provide us with complexities in innovative ideas and themes for partial and complete development in terms of autonomous machine thinking. , we find several systems with which we can develop the free programming of it, the most popular is the PHYTON, with great advances and easy to use for complex development issues, other types of software are often used, but it depends on the delicacy and Programmer's favoritism.

We are entering at an hour where knowing how to program becomes fundamental for any profession, it was previously thought and understood that only engineers had the ability to use this type of algorithms, but the subject has become so competitive, that for First world countries anyone who has a capacity for development indifferent to their profession can enter this field, which has open doors and with quite ample profits for those who want to start in it.

To conclude with this issue, we return to the topic of third world companies, which do not have a complex programming system developed, do not achieve their programmed objectives compared to the large industries that have a broad development in robotics and effective solutions, these companies are pitifully disappearing, we must stop seeing programmers and systems engineers and non-related professions as repairers and dust cleaners of our equipment, we have a great talent in our hands which we must take advantage of, because in them is the future of our company, but we give the necessary value to our outstanding employees, other companies will see their potential and precisely we are being invaded by this type of development companies that not only seeks trained but ingenious personnel, that at the first Opportunities will prefer to clean computers to engineers to be them engineers.

Estrategía espa?ola de I+D+I. Ministerio de ciencias innovación y universidades. A?o 2019. Recuperado de la URL:

Evolución de la inteligencia artificial. A?o 2019. Recuperado de la URL:

Futuro de la inteligencia artificial. Cibernetico. A?o 2019. Recuperado de la URL:

Programador: La nueva carrera del futuro. Emagister. A?o 2019. Recuperado de la URL:


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