i3S Inside Stories

i3S Inside Stories

Highlights from December 2024

Research into lung cancer wins 2024 Robalo Cordeiro Award

Joana Catarata and Maria Inês Almeida lead a team that includes pulmonologists from USL Braga and master's and doctoral students from i3S.

In 2018, researcher Joana Catarata was distinguished by the Portuguese Society of Pulmonology with the Robalo Cordeiro Award, and in 2019 with the Thomé Villar SPP/Boehringer Ingelheim Award. Now, she has once again been awarded the Robalo Cordeiro Award. Worth ten thousand euros, this award is given annually to recognize a new generation of scientists dedicated to respiratory research.


i3S researchers honoured by the Society of Human Genetics

Ana Catarina Nunes, Rita Barbosa-Matos and José García Peláez were the three i3S researchers honoured by the SPGH.

The research developed at i3S was spotlighted at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Human Genetics (SPGH), with three researchers from the “Expression Regulation in Cancer” group being distinguished by the Scientific Committee. José García Peláez won the SPGH 2024 Award, Rita Barbosa-Matos received the award for Best Oral Communication in Clinical Research, and the master's student Ana Catarina Nunes won an ESHG National Fellowship.


i3S researcher studies centenarians to unravel longevity

The work to identify the genes of centenarians was begun by José Pedro Castro at Harvard Medical School and finalised at i3S.

A team of scientists from Harvard Medical School (USA), including José Pedro Castro, now a researcher at i3S, has discovered that centenarians have genes without dysfunctional mutations. These so-called ‘longevity genes’, which appear to be hereditary, are described in an article published in Nature Communications and pave the way for developing pharmacological strategies for healthy ageing.


Claudio Sunkel elected corresponding member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences

Claudio Sunkel is ‘deeply honoured’ by the election and says: ‘It is a privilege and a responsibility that I embrace with great enthusiasm’.

Claudio Sunkel, director of the i3S and Full Professor at the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS), was recently elected corresponding member of the 5th section—Biological Sciences—by the full members of the Sciences Class of the prestigious Lisbon Academy of Sciences. This award recognizes the scientific reputation of Portuguese professors and researchers.


Bruno Sarmento appointed foreign correspondent of the Brazilian Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences

The appointment took into account Bruno Sarmento's scientific collaborations with various Brazilian pharmaceutical and biomedical research groups, as well as pharmaceutical companies.

Researcher Bruno Sarmento, leader of the “Nanomedicines & Translational Drug Delivery” research group at i3S, was recently appointed Member and Foreign Correspondent of the Brazilian Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences for his “significant contributions to the advancement of pharmaceutical nanotechnology”.



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