I (You Are)Am The Greatest

Daria Dillard Stone, The Servant received this wonderful writing/word from Elena Rahrig!! Thank you Elena! (revisions I made included in italics and bold)

I (you are) am the greatest! I hope this is an "on time" encouraging statement that helps you go to the next level in your personal, professional and/or spiritual life. I hope it makes you THINK about where you are compared to where you want to be.

I am the greatest...Yep, that’s right...I am the greatest! I light up the room when I walk in. People love to see my great BIG smile. I am generous, loving, and caring...and because I treat others so well they always treat me well. When I walk in the room I am confident and Godfident! The courageousness in me floods the room. I roar like a lion because I love so deeply. Therefore, others love me deeply in return. I am never prideful; yet always proud of who I am. My mistakes and past failures made me into the beautiful person that I am today. My past is of no regret because it does not reflect the person in who I am today. I am strong, and courageous. I am beautifully, fearfully and wonderfully made. I am God’s masterpiece. This world is beautiful and I am a beautiful part of it. I am not too tall, nor too short, I am not too fat, nor too skinny. I am not too light or too dark. I am not too rich or too poor. I am not too smart or too ignorant. I am just right the way I am. God knew what he was doing when he created me. He created perfection in HIS own image. I serve a PERFECT GOD! My God does not make mistakes nor does he make junk. 

He created me in his image and in his image I will remain. It does not matter what the world says about me because I am not of this world; rather I am just in it. I am of God’s Kingdom and I act as such. I am his masterpiece. I am lovable, honorable, and powerful. God has instilled his power and love within me and I fully accept the responsibility to embrace it. I am a Warrior. I get things done when they need to get done. Fear? What’s that! I laugh in the face of fear NOW. Fear bows down to me...I never bow down to fear. Fear is of Satan and has no place in my heart nor in my head. I dance with my fears all the while smirking at Satan because his plan will not conquer me. God’s will for my life will conquer me. I live for God’s plan and laugh at the fact that Satan thinks he can have his way in my life. God is the only one that has a place in my life. I am bold and beautiful. I am secure in God’s love, mercy, and grace. I am smart, an encourager and a redeemer. I am alive through the blood of Jesus Christ. I am long suffering for I know that through my suffering God is bringing the blessings my way. God has blessed me beyond measure and is continuously blessing me beyond my imagination. I can do anything and everything through Christ who strengthens me. I am wise and knowledgeable. I am stable and secure. Stability consumes me. I am humble. I am a giver. I give because I love to give and I get back much more than I give. I am complete. I am completely wrapped in God’s love. Even in the darkest times I know that I am loved and God is holding me. I am his and he is mine. I am patient. I am a light to this dark world. I always let my light shine wherever I go. 

Nobody intimidates me because I am just as good as any other person that walks this earth. Today is the day that matters. Yesterday? What’s that? I grow and become stronger with each and every day. I am a conqueror and a leader. I am compassionate and a servant to God and his children. I am not my emotions nor my past. My who is not my do. I always pick myself back up when I fall down. I persevere. I see things through until the end. Giving up? What’s that? I am a successor...and a brave one at that. I am significant. I love God because he first loved me. Because he first loved me I am free to love me. Because I love me I know how to love others and because I love others they too love me. I am worthy and interesting. I am a ruler and free. I am free from all of the enemy’s bonds. Nothing will ever keep me down. I see the finish line and sprint right through it. My life is glorious and I embrace all of life’s challenges because I know that Satan will never win in my life. God is the only winner and the only one I diligently seek. He is my cornerstone. When I am weak I turn to God and he breathes his strength back into my every vein. I am merciful and show grace to others and therefore I too receive mercy and grace. I am never intimidated because I am perfect just the way that I am. I embrace my past because it is a part of my testimony. It is the beginning to the end of one of the greatest testimonies that will touch and inspire many lives. God does not use the perfect...yet it is the imperfections that he makes shine. I shine as bright as the brightest star on the darkest night. I am somebody! I am special! I was created for purpose. I light up the room when I walk in and am never intimidated and everyone loves me and my BIG smile! I am indeed the greatest!


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