I wrote some old JS code and NodeJS hydrated UI for the Simulation
I had a presentation today, I built a Distributed Priority Queue using NodeJS for that. It required me to write Stored Procedures and NodeJs backend.
Then the UI came up! Presentation without a nice UI, naah!!!
Should I use React, Vue, Svelte, SolidJS, or something else?
I went after vanilla JS
Let's write some snippets and see how cool it is/was:
Singelton was my first choice for the presentation
let ClientPresenter = (function(){
let clientResultArea = document.querySelector('#result-inner-client');
return {
render: function(packet){
let div = createCell(packet.message.data.content, packet.message.data.processBy);
let ServerPresenter = (function(){
let serverResultArea = document.querySelector('#result-inner-client');
return {
render: function(packet){
let div = createCell2(packet.id, packet.acquiredAt);
It was really a breeze, working with OLD fashinoed JS. Does it look lesser than a React component? No, when presentation is in front of you!
I separated the Communicator
Moved all WebSocket and Fetch calls to it and reactively provided the I/O result to observers to present the UI
Created a WebSocket client
Believe me it is easier to use "ws" apis then "socket js"
Created a centralized event registrar for UI and observation
It was half the React or Vue code and NO WebPack or Parcel was requirted to wire your head around.
I used the old module pattern
let Communicator = (function () {
let privateMember = 'something';
function somePrivateFunc() {
// .....
return {
myPublicApi: function () {
// Use Private Members Here
Today, I was able to deliver using the basic skills. None, of the advanced framework could have helped me that fast. So, keep learning, tomorrow you might be presenting.