If I wrote the final episode of "Mad Men". . .
. . . here’s how I think it should end:
How it begins. That is, with the single indelible image from the opening sequence:
Don must fall out of the window.
That’s it. He could be pushed, fall through while drunk accidentally, jump to end it all, or even wind up on a trampoline below filming an ad campaign for a sporting goods company. It could be part of a daydream sequence that comes at any point, or be a small wink to us, a conceit for the larger theme of end-of-show. He can die or live: either a final nod to hubris, or business as usual. The best thing about this image is that the requisite tying up of stories need not hinge on it.
If Don doesn’t fall as he’s done metaphorically week after week, I believe an elegant opportunity for a symmetrical, full-circle, memorable send-off will be lost. (And who can forget the ill-fitting end of the equally iconic “Lost?")
Matthew Weiner, what say you?