I Would Like To Take This Time To Say "Thank you"? For All I Have!

I Would Like To Take This Time To Say "Thank you" For All I Have!

It is a challenging world we live in today to be sure! There are many of us in need of support of some kind. Some of our systems and institutions are being challenged to do what they are meant to do. This in turn creates strife and turmoil in daliy lives, which causes me and you great pain, giving way to a desire to do something, anything.

First of all for me, I just want to say thank you! Thank you for my family because I receive so much more from my wife and daughter than I could ever repay in a lifetime, which they have given me!

Thank you for allowing me to be in the best job in the best company, Kenaka North America, surrounded by the best co-workers, many hundreds of you, in my career! This allows me to make a contribution to a company that was great when I arrived and is becoming even better due to all the team members pulling together.

Thank you for our home in the Houston, Texas area where I've met some terrific people who share their lives with stories of their families and lives outside their families.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve, whether it be in the military, visiting shut-ins on the weekends, taking services to those who cannot get out to church due to accident or illnesss, opportunities to participate in activities and show support for a vast array of worthy causes.

Thank you for the opportunity to help some one in need we see everyday it seems, be it a homeless person struggling to get through each day or a child who has lost a parent suddenly.

Thank you for the opportunity to say "hello", "good morning", or "do you need any help?". And thank you for the opportunity to be the voice on the other end of the phone in the middle of the night when a soul on the other end is at the edge of their survival and they are talked back from the edge.

There is so much more I am thankful for in this life. I cannot possibly write it all down. But, I do feel the sense of humility because I could be on the other end of any of these statements, and I'll never forget that.

And so I say thank you for the opportunity to serve and help in any way and anywhere.

It is good to be thankful I think, bcause now I may be able to lighten the load on someone whose load is so heavy, so daunting. I am able to be better for others because I am thankful, and now I can share the load of others who need help and support.

This is how I believe I can make the world I live in a slightly better place....by giving thanks and saying Thank You to everyone and to whatever supernatural existence the Almighty, and many many other Names in many many cultures we may believe in.

An now, out into another day of opportunity to help and also give thanks!

THANK YOU for this beautifully written post Charlie.? I needed to hear that this morning.??



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