I Wonder…What Can I Learn From Trees?
With the myriad of emotions raging through my psyche on a daily basis, I find it helpful to go for walks each day. Some days I get out for only a minute. Other days I am able to enjoy long walks of 10+ kms. I think of all my walks as respite.
Whenever possible, I allow my walks to take me through forests or along waterways. These two elements of nature I find very nurturing, lifegiving, and rejuvenating. I consider myself very lucky to live within a short walk of some beautiful wooded trails that meander along a major river—just perfect for my healing sojourns.
Just one of the things I marvel about the trees, bushes, shrubs, and thickets along the way is the very nature, the very essence, of their being. Regardless of the weather conditions, the flora just ‘is.’ The trees, bushes, shrubs, and thickets don’t complain about anything going on around them. I wonder…does flora even have emotions? A cursory review of literature about such matters suggests that while plants lack a central nervous system, and don’t have the same ‘feelings’ that we do, flora does appear to remember stimuli and communicate with other plants about this stimulus.
Another major observation I have of flora is the ease with which it coexists with all other flora around itself. Yes, there are cases of flora moving into areas, or encroaching on ecosystems, and choking out other plant life. And there are many examples of certain flora thriving in some conditions better than others. But for the most part, flora effortlessly coexists and even supports each other. No fighting. No bickering. No arguing. Just peaceful coexistence.
When the flora’s material-world-journey has come to an end, flora simply lays itself down and allows itself to transform. There is no suffering. There is only surrender and acceptance. Will I be so graceful in my transformation?
Flora is the most vivid symbol of life as we know it. We watch it being born, from the tiniest of seedlings. We watch it grow. We watch it move in and out of hibernation, through the different seasons. Each year it shows new growth, new strength, new perseverance. Eventually, we watch it rot and decay, and give its life for the benefit of all that surrounds it. From its death, new life abounds. The circle of life is never more gracefully evident than in nature.
Flora is only ever in the present moment. There is an awareness that flora does not hold on to the past. No grudges. No grievances. All is forgiven. There is no planning. No future state to fantasize about. No desire, or even need, to be anything other than in the present moment.
The trees, bushes, shrubs, and thickets know what to do, when they need to do it. I am writing this passage on the cusp of Spring. In a few weeks, the trees will likely be budding (let’s hope!) and flowers will be blooming. All the flora knows exactly when it’s times to begin bursting into foliage. Whether it’s the light or the temperature, or a combination of both, flora knows when the time is right! They just know!
So…what can I learn from trees?
1.?????? Simply be.
2.?????? Coexist in harmony with everything around me.
3.?????? Surrender and accept life on its terms.
4.?????? Move gracefully through the cycle of life.
5.?????? Let the past go. Forgive everything!
6.?????? Know when it’s the right time to do anything and everything.
Trees teach me a lot!...for which I am grateful.
Robert Meagher has been ordained as an Interfaith Minister and certified as a Sacred Attention Therapy (SAT) Therapist. Robert is the Founder and Spiritual Director for Spiritual Guidance and Co-Founder of the Center for Human Awakening.