I won the Addiction; it is Possible to get out of the #Underworld!
Yakob Seman Ahmed ???
Country Director RAF-ET |Fulbright Health Policy Fellow|Healthcare Quality Improvement Adviser|Health Systems Strengthening Expert Ex-Hospital Director |Ex-DG Medical Services-MoH-ET, UHC advocate, Health Insurance
Yes you can! From my anonymous friend I won the Addiction; it is Possible to get out of the #Underworld!
Cerberus in Greek mythology is the monstrous watchdog of the underworld. He was usually said to have three heads. It is believed that heads of snakes grew from his back, and he had a serpent’s tail. He devoured anyone who tried to escape the kingdom of Hades, the lord of the underworld, and he refused entrance to living humans.
This is the only expressive metaphor I can get to put “life of addiction” and”Sober” in human life. Just like Greek mythology underworld this world is too easy to come and join but most difficult world to leave while Cerberus is that the gate 24/7 of the world to smash anyone coming to the door to further agony.
I have been in the life of underworld for the last 12 years from the start of my final years of university graduating class. To begin with the aflame that burnt my life alive for about decade came as easy as drinking a cup of water. It was my experience that chewing chat, smoking cigarette and getting stoned in pubs was all part of youth benevolence at that time that no one imagined it will turn out the biggest mistakes of my life turned on a journey through one puff of Cigar, a sup of alcohol or leave of chat.
In my early years of employment didn’t imagined the burden of addiction in my life because it gives me much of pleasure and the boat seems peaceful in that it goes without any storm. Eventually, the boat goes to the underworld in the speed that an average person cannot even understand.
The five death sentences the supreme court of world of addiction passed are #spiritual_death that I don’t remember a single day that I went to church in a decade, #Social_death in that, all my significant relationships with my family, friends and colleagues come to an end.
#Economic_death, I couldn’t manage my income that my debt become public embarrassment. #Deathof_pride and dignity, that I eventually lost my self-esteem confidence. Finally, it is coming to give me my final death, #physical. I remember, I smoke 3 packs of cigarette a day some times and Ganja, I was heavily alcoholic and can’t even move without taking sip of Biherawi Areke,
When I came to Saint Paul, New Life Rehab Center, I was PHD drop out, 32 years old 48 KG tiny man with broken spirit, financially bankruptcy, social alienation, morally eroded, deconstructed personality and deep depression. A kind of person who lost everything and all things in life.
Initial days were very challenging in the facility, eventually I start to learn life from a beginning. This place reborn the person I lost decade I ago. It took me two months to deconstruct what I have built in 10 years and to get the optimal sentiment to challenge the world ahead of myself in full courage and perseverance. The greatest tragedy in life is not death there is the worst thing than death. Living the life without a purpose.
I was lost somewhere in woods divorced from my life purpose and in Gods’ miracles way this center found, healed and put me to my road again. I read 20 books, was books, captained a kitchen and was one of active members of rehab family with good interpersonal relations. Last time I checked I am physically strong 75 Kg, mentally stable and handsome confident man with a vision on a mission.
I will forever be grateful for the workers, physicians, psychiatrists and supportive staff of NL, I consider them my family and NL is my home. Now I am disciple of Alcoholic Anonymous, to save millions of my brothers and sisters in deep of the underworld. I am passionate and have a vision to open Agape Ethiopia Counseling and Rehab center to peruse a vision started by my Mother Sr. Yiregedu Habtu, Founder and CEO of NL.
I finally defeated and won Addiction. Addiction can be defeated if you come here and save your life.
I have a message to the government, to any organization or anyone who have kids no one is certain about the future invest, help and support this sector stand beside New Life for our own sake, for our children’s’ sake and for the future generation of Ethiopia.