“I Woke up and Saw the World Differently.”
Melanie Hopwood
Coach to Insurance Industry Professionals - Restoring: Power - Wisdom - Clarity
What if this was the year you liberated yourself from your insecurities, you took your power back from your circumstances, and you realized how confident and capable you already are? There is nothing to overcome, nothing to build, no one else you need to be. ?
Instead, you realize how perfectly designed you are to thrive, to live a productive and fulfilling life.
Today, I want to share a story of a client's recent experience. Through her own realizations, she liberated herself from the belief she was trapped by her circumstances and realized how much power she was giving to others over her well-being and confidence. Her story is below.
I am also sharing an audio with you, my first foray into recording. It’s a 6-minute guided meditation and reflection exercise to help you reconnect to the part of yourself that has an abundance of wisdom, confidence, and perspective.
I hope you find it helpful. If you are interested in exploring my coaching programs, please feel free to reach out. Who knows, maybe this is the year you free yourself of what limits you and you step more fully into your innate power and potential.
“I Woke up and Saw the World Differently.”
In December, I launched a new program called 'Reclaim Your Power'. It’s a teaching-intensive, where I take a client offline for two days, and together, we explore the invisible side of life; we zoom right out and look at how our minds work, where our experience is coming from, and the immense power that lies within us.
These were the words my client shared with me when we met for our first session after the intensive.
"I woke up and saw the world differently."
In many ways, I wasn't surprised by how impactful the program was. I remember how much I shifted when I first understood the basic principles of how the mind works and how liberating it was to me to see how much my fears and insecurities were just products of an overactive imagination. They were not real; they just seemed real. And when I realized that, it was such an aha moment, a moment of pure relief and liberation.
There is a part of all of us that knows a deeper truth. About who we are and what we are capable of. We all have experiences of connecting to that part of ourselves all the time. It's when we feel at home in our skin. Settled. We are not trying to be anything. We are fully embodied in who we are, and we feel solid, grounded, confident, and capable of dealing with whatever life throws at us.
We get drawn out of that grounded state by our thinking. Our internal narration creates our world, our reality, and unfortunately, we don't truly recognize how much it locks us up in its distorted perceptions, interpretations, and judgments.
And so we live in a prison created by our own thinking. We are so close to it that it's hard to liberate ourselves from it, to take a step back and look at it. To see the habits and patterns that drive our reactivity, our frustrations, our fears, our actions and inactions. So we end up running on autopilot, believing and acting on our thoughts, asleep at the wheel, while our insecure egos drive the car.
You can reclaim your power back from those habits, from those insecurities, you can liberate yourself from your unhelpful 'personality traits' by zooming out and looking at them, by understanding them, and by realizing you are not your thoughts, you are not your ego. You are not any of those things. When you connect back to that deeper part of your experience, you become the observer, the parent in the room, and you realize your ego is constructed of all your childhood fears and insecurities. You realize that it's your job to take care of it. To lead it. To guide it and teach it.
When you don't recognize your ego for what it is - it will contnue to create a lot of disturbances inside of you that you will react to, you will get angry and frustrated, and annoyed with the world. You will project all those emotions and experiences, not on the actual cause (your ego) but on others, on your circumstances, on your apparent 'fixed personality traits', and you will be forever imprisoned by your own mind.
When I met with my client after the intensive, she said to me:?
"I am in awe of how much I was a prisoner in my own mind, and the fact I was able to realize that for myself was the most liberating."
Our minds are fluid, flexible, and constantly evolving. We can change; we are doing it all the time. The most impactful changes I have experienced have been triggered by profound realizations. Something pops inside, and it feels like I remember something I already knew to be true. And once you realize something, it is so effortless because you can't unsee it.
The two-day teaching intensive is designed to cultivate those realizations so you can see what you most need to see.
What might be a miracle for you this year? What aspect of your mind would you like to liberate yourself from?
If I have piqued your curiosity - just a little - feel free to reach out [email protected]
Thank you for reading.?
Guided Meditation and Reflection Exercise
Take a few minutes of quiet time, close your eyes, relax, let go, and connect to who you are beyond your thoughts, behind your feelings, to the quiet presence inside that is awake and aware. That is where your power lies.