I wish no one had to Grieve
It is not a wish that will come true because we are human beings and have feelings, and there is an end to individual life. What makes grieving difficult is how one lost their loved ones and the questions of when and why it occurred. Everyone grieves a personal loss in different ways. It doesn't matter how one grieves. It affects the individuals psychologically, physiologically, and spiritually. What happens inside our mind is a psychological process and results in emotions. The body's biological reaction due to biological change caused by grieving is a physiological process. An individual's faith helps manage emotions and physiological changes caused by the emotion. When we lose a loved one, our brain recognizes the bond that is lost as a result of personal loss and creates emotions such as sadness, anger, loneliness, anguish, and more. Faith, family, friends' support, and acceptance of facts help individuals move forward. Writing and reading help me and my wife manage our emotions and cope with the loss of our grandson, Alex. We still cannot understand why.