I wish I could ban this applicant question
Petia Whitmore
A former Dean of MBA Admissions on a mission to create more MBA success stories | Ranked Top 10 MBA Admissions Consultant Worldwide | MBA admissions expert & enthusiast | Founder of My MBA Path | AIGAC Member
The WORST question an MBA candidate can ask is one that so many spend woefully long time obsessing over:
"Can I get in?"
Now you’re asking yourself, Why the heck would you say this is the wrong question, Petia? OF COURSE, I want to know if I can get in! In fact, it’s THE MOST IMPORTANT question on my mind!
But here’s the thing. You likely CAN get in. But that doesn’t guarantee you WILL.
So the right question to ask is “How can I do this? How can I increase my MBA admissions odds?”
How can YOU build an MBA candidacy that is compelling and exciting and that passes both the evaluation and selection stage of MBA admissions?
And the answer is….
You need to take the right actions at the right time.
Last week I opened MBA ABC for Round 2. And now, there are only a couple of seats left.
When I opened the doors, savvy MBA Applicants quickly enrolled. Word about MBA ABC is spreading and every time I open it, the group fills up faster and faster.
This morning, I set up our MBA ABC community area, which goes live on Monday.
Here's a hint of just some of the resources you will find there on Monday:
Next Thursday, we will have our first Live Session about school engagement and selection and how to quickly start crafting your resume.
And every week, I will be alongside you to help ensure you are applying everything the right way.
This is what one early participant in MBA ABC had to say about it:
This is something MBA candidates often say. “I couldn’t have gotten in without you”. It’s a beautiful sentiment and I am humbled every time I hear it.
And here is how I respond: I didn’t create your substance. I just helped you stay laser-focused on finding it and bringing it to light so it can shine through every single piece the MBA AdCom reads and reviews.
That process of relentlessly focusing on finding the substance of YOU and sprinkling it throughout your MBA candidacy requires time and effort.
Luckily, you no longer only have two options. You don't have to choose between DYI and expensive 1:1 consulting. There are still a couple of seats left in MBA ABC! (But the doors close as soon as the seats are filled or on November 14, whichever comes first.)
Onwards and upwards,
P.S. One successful MBA candidate went as far as saying “I can confidently say that every minute you spend with Petia is worth an hour you would spend on your own, or with another consultant.” I think he may have been a tad too excited about getting into his dream MBA program when he wrote this. But if there is any grain of truth to it, then MBA ABC, where you get 10 weeks of working with me, is worth many thousands of $$$ but you only have to invest a fraction of that. Let’s just say that when you apply the “1 Petia minute = 1 hour with someone else” ratio and compare it to time or money spent using any other service, it becomes a math equation worthy of being featured in the GMAT Focus exam….
If you are still wondering...
...how MBA ABC is different
...when and how I review and edit your resume and essays
...how the Live Sessions work
...what will be covered
Just hit reply and let me know. I’ll answer any questions you have, no pressure.