If I were King of Mymerica
If I were the King of Mymerica, myself and me alone;
Some rules I’d make for our country; some wishes for my home.
People may scoff and shake their heads - that matters not to me;
I’ve thought long and hard upon these and how I’d make it be.
My country called Mymerica, it began with good in mind;
Politicians hold it hostage now, but that’s about to unwind.
Term limits that are good for one, will now be the rule of law;
Applying to all, they serve then leave, just as the founders saw.
Taxes and bribes are games we play, although they seem legit;
Loopholes and deductions serve as scams, any way we look at it.
I’d demand simplicity; all able subjects pay – no exceptions and no ramp;
A flat amount; understood by a child and done on a postage stamp.
I’d remember what made my kingdom great – we’d welcome with a shout;
Those who seek a better life; that’s what Mymerica is about.
They’ll pay their dues, they’ll make it right, and respect our ways and laws;
But punish not their innocent children born within our shores.
We’d care for those who were down and out; those clinging to their rope;
Remembering that, we could be them and so we offer hope.
Reaching out to ones in pain, that’s not asking much you see;
We would give our best with open hearts until they can be free.
I’d meddle not in personal lives; no reason to impose;
Skin the cat how you like, but don’t step on other toes.
As King I would be humble and keep my ears upon the street;
And be aware the harm I may cause with some thoughtless tweet.
I’d remind us of ancient knowledge – the one the sages taught;
We’re not the color of our skins, nor minds filled with angry thought.
We’re not the ones who fall for lies; or listen to either side;
I’d ban groups that are filled with hate, those seeking to divide.
In Mymerica, our children will repay all the love they earned;
They’ll take their turn to lift the load when life’s tables are turned.
I’d write a law that every child gives a little of what they make;
To mom and dad who need them now, doing right for rightness sake.
As for me and mine, I wish not much; a calm and simple ride;
My children who look at me with love, my Erin by my side.
Friends who drop by unannounced; share a joke and a sip of wine;
A steady heart, a joyful mind, a shady spot all mine.
And when the final page is turned, and life’s curtains are all drawn;
I’ll rest knowing that I live on still and wait to be reborn.
As the ocean’s water rises, then falls with the summer rain;
I’ll soon be back, as will you, in Mymerica once again.