I Went Through Something Strange and Awful and it has Altered Me FOREVER - 2 UNETHICAL PSYCHOLOGISTS
NO! I am NOT going to sit back quietly. I have been retraumatized for LIFE by two Unethical Psychologists, Dr. Richard Geist and Dr. James Barbaria. The latter one is now deceased since 2017 at the age of 62 from heart failure. He died a hero in everyone's eyes, except the person that mattered the most to him (his own). I also received monetary compensation from him and filed a board complaint for the sexual exploitation of TWO YEARS!
This past year I also filed a board complaint against Dr. Richard Geist for sexually exploiting me. Here is a small part of that complaint I sent the investigator of the case:
Hello Ms. Lugo,
?My name is Sandra Wyllie. I have made a complaint against Dr. Richard Geist. As of now 26 states hold psychologists that have sex with their patients as a criminal act punishable by jail. They refer to this as statutory rape. I wish that Massachusetts was one that held this belief. As I have stated I had a two-year affair from 2014-2016 with Dr. James Barbaria that I did receive monetary compensation as well as filing a complaint with this board. The trauma goes much deeper with Dr. Geist as he planted the seed in my head and encouraged this unethical relationship with Dr. Barbaria. It should be considered malpractice for a psychologist to condone and assist in a sexual relationship between his patient and her other psychologist that is ongoing.? I have every email from both psychologists to show proof of this. I only now, this being my third attempt to file a complaint have had the courage to go forward because I have distanced myself form Dr. Geist since August of 2021. I have blocked his email and his phone so he can no longer contact me.?
I turned into an alcoholic in my fifties after 16 years of Dr. Geist's unethical treatment. I tried to get away from him on dozens of occasions but he kept brainwashing me that I couldn't live without him. He encouraged me to have a sexual relationship with Dr. Barbaria. He took him on as his patient and saw us both for "couples therapy" even though I was married and living with my husband and young son. This completely shattered my family. He tried to talk me out of reporting Dr. Barbaria to the licensing board. I felt that the two of them "ganged up on me" I have severe insomnia and panic attacks over the abuse. Although I never had sex with Dr. Geist he crossed boundaries by allowing me to sit in his lap (touch his penis) and lay on the floor with him. I know that he has a mole on his chest, above his belly button. Now how would I know such an intimate detail as that? There are NO pictures of him shirtless on the internet. When I first went to Dr. Geist he flirted with me and wrote me intimate emails, a couple I have included with my complaint. He kept wanting to see me for over 5 hours a week for free!? I could call him 24/7 on vacations or weekends or in the middle of the night. My biggest regret is that I did not go through with the complaint to this board in 2008. I rescinded that. In fact it took a? 1??? YEARS AWAY from him to finally see things straight. They say hindsight is 20/20.?
?I hope this board will take what he did seriously and respond in such a manner to it.
Thank You,
Sandra L. Wyllie
I went to therapy FOR help because I was brutally beaten and emotionally scared by my narcissistic mother while my paranoid schizophrenic father was locked away at McClean's Hospital. At the same time my son suffered TBI (traumatic brain Injury) and NEVER recovered. He had to be institutionalized because his in a vegetable state. I also had a lawsuit at this same time against my cousin, who was like a big brother to me (we lived in the same house growing up) for stealing $35,000 when I was in a weak condition mentally!!!
These were just a few of the things, I went to therapy for, along with having crippling anxiety attacks and PTSD!!! Through all of this I NEVER turned to alcohol. But once I started having sex with my psychologist, while my other one looked on and encouraged it I became an alcoholic in my 50's and have never recovered.
I have written many books available on Amazon about my trauma:
"Love Outside The Boundaries" LINK:https://www.amazon.com/Love-Outside-Boundaries-Sandra-Wyllie/dp/1724061461/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1701874377&refinements=p_27%3ASandra+L+Wyllie&s=books&sr=1-1
"Emails Of An Unethical Psychologist" LINK:https://www.amazon.com/Emails-Unethical-Psychologist-Sandra-Wyllie/dp/1704591902/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1701874377&sr=1-2
"Love Bombed By A Harvard Psychologist" LINK:https://www.amazon.com/Bombed-Harvard-Psychologist-Sandra-Wyllie-ebook/dp/B0CBC5D2RQ/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1701874377&sr=1-4
"Sexually Exploited By Three Psychologists" LINK:https://www.amazon.com/Sexually-Exploited-Psychologists-Sandra-Wyllie/dp/B0CKVQX91V/ref=sr_1_3?qid=1701874377&refinements=p_27%3ASandra+L+Wyllie&s=books&sr=1-3
As well as writing these books I talk about the abuse on my YouTube Channel
Even though I suffer nightmares and crippling panic attacks I still get out of bed and fight each day for my survival!!! My severely handicapped son was brutally beaten and kicked out of his residential home as well during this time. I went from being a BROKEN person to a completely SHATTERED person. But I do my best in trying to educate people about unethical psychologists!