i Webinar di oggi: ARCAD e FRESCHE
DevSecOps on IBM i - now and into the future (ARCAD SOFTWARE)
Over the last 20 years DevOps on the IBM i has evolved away from traditional old style change management packages that often lock customers into proprietary solutions. Today DevOps is about integration all of your DevOps Teams including the IBM i into a common pipeline using technologies like Git, Jenkins, Azure etc.?
At the same time, security has become an integral and continuous part of the development cycle.?
This may all seem far removed from the everyday life of IBM i development teams who have honed their applications, methods and tools to fit their business needs.?
What is required is a progressive approach that enables easy collaboration between both experienced IBM i professionals and newcomers to the platform.
In this session, we will explore the now and the future of DevSecOps on IBM i, addressing key questions such as:
Learn the upcoming trends in DevSecOps on IBM i and how to plot a progressive path that combines the best of the traditional methods and the new open source options.
Philippe Magne?- CEO and Chairman ARCAD Software
Un'applicazione moderna potrebbe essere definita tale sotto vari aspetti.?
Tecnicamente molti elementi possono qualificare una App come moderna ma la vera domanda è: quello che è moderno oggi, lo sarà anche domani??
In un’ottica aziendale quali sono gli aspetti del business da considerare?
Pascal Polverini?Solution?Strategist - IBM i?Advisory Council member - Redbooks Co-Author?OpenPOWER Foundation Individual Associate - IBM Champion Data & AI?
Un saluto dallo Staff di Faq400