No, I wasn't a fugitive nor did I have an ape-shit ex after me.
Leigh Shenton
Helping creative entrepreneurs build sexyAF, heart led personal brands to create wealth and joy! | Artist | Author | Hotseat Host | Business & Mindset Mentor | Bespoke Coaching | Meditation | LOVE with Leigh
I'd just lost myself .
AND ....I'm so done with being beige.
Blending in and belonging with everyone else is overated
Everytime I feel more me I realise there is so much more to become, see, do, have.
In this world where the chatter, the background noise is so loud and everyone is clamouring to be seen and heard, what do you do to stand out?
Or is it your MOD to run and hide?
I hid away for years... literally, undercover, incognito and even left no paper trail apart from my passport.
I was running scared and felt so much dread everytime the phone rang... and that's no fckn way to live.
No, I wasn't a fugitive nor did I have an ape-shit ex after me.
I lost myself, and my self confidence somewhere along the way, over time it was eroded.... and it seemed like so much effort to find the real me again.
I became a proper recluse only venturing out when it was absolutely necessary.
I'm damn sure if I had sought medical attention I would've been diagnosed at clinically depressed and put on meds. In fact I know this to be true, but medication was the last thing I wanted.
Now don't get me wrong, if you need them and feel that's right for you, then I have no issue.
It just wasn't right for me...
BUT what was right for me, was to make some key decisions to change my life radically... to get me out of the funk and into feeling just a little better everyday.
AND over time ... not that long really... I began to put myself and my needs first
This was the begining of the healing process, to feeling ok enough, comfortable enough with me that I no longer struggled to just be.
All the times of wrestling with my own inner conflict soon melted away....
I made decisions that weren't popular with others... and it felt good knowing I put me first.
And regardless of anyone saying our selfish I was I somehow managed to not give a fck!!
Doing it the first time was a little weird, but it gets easier, as you realise that you won't die and neither will anyone else.
BUT what will happen is you feel empowered and connected to yourself.... and you know you're not being selfish.... cos it's not some bullshit look at me I don't give a fck about anyone else.
It's about LOVING yourself like you should be loved so you can take proper care of you.
And when you do that from the place of trusting yourself and alignment to who you really are you don't go about bashing anyone in the process.
When you are true to yourself you can never be beige... the real you will always make themselves known....
And that's why I love what I'm doing and my business with Paula Mould
We are doing extraordinary things, and it's all because we decided to make choices that are right for us and to stop giving so many fcks about what other people think about us.
OH and no more fckn beige anywhere... you heard this right here first... so get ready for all singing dancing flying unicorn pink golden sparkly shit that is changing the way creatives see themselves.
We are ready to challenge the gate keepers, the naysayers, those who mock and berate.
We have no time for you or your bullshit lies, designed to hold true artists back in fear and loathing.
The time has come... the time is now....
Will all the true artists stand in agreement and decide to claim their creative and financial freedom and power?