I want to work in Tech. Do I need to have a degree first?
Heels and Tech
A community where women acquire relevant technology skills so as to become globally competitive and also earn well.
Simple answer, no you don’t. But you do need the skills.
One of the major benefits of the tech industry is how welcoming and accommodating it is to everyone.
Your degrees or lack of it don’t necessarily matter. After all, how many colleges/universities offer courses in UI/UX or teach you programming languages and how to code?
While a university degree could be useful and is in fact compulsory for some fields eg medicine, tech isn’t one of those industries.
To break into tech and land a job, you need to:
The last point is where bootcamps come in.
Bootcamps, unlike college and other forms of higher education, are practical hands-on training courses/certifications/opportunities for those looking to learn a technical skill.
Ever heard of Salesforce’s Trailhead program or? Free Code Camp? These are some popular Tech bootcamps that train people in relevant skills needed to succeed in the industry.
For a yet-to-be-released report we worked on to see if Bootcamps are useful in increasing employment potentials, here’s what Oyindamola Ossi, Head of HR Operations at Aldela Limited had to say:
“If this question was asked in 1998 I would have given a different reply. However, with the degree of impact, skill set development, and technical “know-how” I have seen exhibited by non-college degree holders in today’s workplace, I am confident to say, education and learning have transitioned from the walls of universities.? “boot-camps, e-learning, and alternative college platforms” is playing a pivotal role in equipping people with the requisite skills whilst bridging the employment gap one candidate at a time.”
To get this report immediately it’s released, sign up here.
Heels and Tech is also an EdTech startup that offers bootcamp training in areas like Business Analytics, Salesforce, Product Design, and many more. See all our courses here.
And through just our hands-on training, students -? many of whom have no existing degrees/experience in their chosen tech field - have been able to go on and get their first tech jobs!
Here's feedback from Jennifer who was a stay at home mum for over 10 years but was still able to land an amazing tech job after completing our Salesforce training.
Read Jennifer’s full story here.
From mothers who haven’t worked in years to undergraduates, and even those with no degree. There’s not a single person who can’t break into the tech industry if they have the required skills and training.
This is what Heels and Tech helps people do.
Ready to get started on your tech journey? Book a free consultation with our support team to discuss your goals and needs!