I want to be A Millionaire is Free till Jan 24th in Amazon Kindle
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What is inside? Millionaire Secrets in the book
Clue of Millionaire Secret 1: It was the duty of one of the genius employee to run the report that week. It was his turn. He worked on that report for couple of weeks. Though he was genius, he did not think anything special on the report. One lucky day, his shift was changed. The shift was from morning 5 AM
Clue of Millionaire Secret 2: In dreams, everyone would have experienced this. We feel as if spending long hours, but it would not have crossed a very few minutes. We experience a long journey, a long cinema, a big festival within very few minutes in our dreams. It is because of the state of mind, we suppress the time
Clue of Millionaire Secret 3: Let me introduce you to an Entrepreneur. The person about whom I am going to talk now is one of the richest persons in the Transport Industry
Clue of Millionaire Secret 4: We have to direct our mind's antenna inwards sometimes. The information it has cannot be compared with any external sources. It has prosperity, it has riches, it has success and it has everything
Clue of Millionaire Secret 5: "Well, I respect and I am even passionate of your acting strength. I know that you have your own uniqueness, which you believe as your strength. I don't want to alter that, because it is your strength. Let me make few changes to the feathers not to the backbone. Please change your hairstyle and body language, let your acting style be the same. If you are willing, please sign my new movie"
Clue of Millionaire Secret 6: When I was in early twenties, I wanted to build a website, to increase my passive income. I wanted to prove myself, as soon as I finished my graduation. The concept was great, it was a spark. That spark roamed everywhere but it did not become a flame. Reason is simple, it went to wrong persons
Clue of Millionaire Secret 7: "Raj, I have been noticing your activities. I am also happy because, A-Level employees are also visiting our team. Why don't you take an initiative to start up an activity of knowledge share? Let our team members also share what they know. We will make a knowledge bank portal to broadcast our talents"
Clue of Millionaire Secret 8: Firstly, she listed out what all she knew apart from her academics. That list was based on A Survey of What I possess and what I know'. Based on that survey, she daringly ventured to start a business. The business required no potential revenue, so she did not have to convince anybody in her family. She started an association
Clue of Millionaire Secret 9: While doing the business, I not only do the business, but I also help
Clue of Millionaire Secret 10: Hardy said when asked about the methods Ramanujan employed to arrive to his solutions "They were arrived at by a process of mingled argument, intuition and induction of which he was entirely unable to give any coherent account. He also stated he had never met his equal and can compare him with only Euler or Jacobi
Clue of Millionaire Secret 11: "Sir, this report has not served its purpose. It has number of orders, types of materials requested, region from where the order is coming in, etc. But, where is the revenue indicator? I think if we could show the revenue in the report, it could greatly benefit the decision makers"