I want to die so bad. What should I do?
don carpenter
My postings help people remove mental health issues that inhibit success giving them freedom to maximize their potential
Answer: First of all understand that death is not the end of life. The dictionary defines death as the end of life and that would be true if we had a life of our own to die, but the truth is that we have no life of our own to die because there is only one Life and that Life is the Life of God. "Thou shall have no other God's before me" means that we will not acknowledge any life other than the Life of God.
In other words, you are living under the false belief that you have a life of your own and it is that imaginary false sense of life that you are wanting to die to. You have accepted that false belief as reality and that belief has separated you from the one and only Life, the infinite source of all good. And so it is that you could be killing yourself over something that has no real existence and that by doing so you will have missed out on the most beautiful and fulfilling miracle of Life for Life becomes an adventure when you realize that "I have come to give you Life and Life more abundantly".
Now you must develop the consciousness of Life by practicing the Presence of God. Ponder, contemplate, meditate on the omnipotence, the omnipresence, the omniscience of this divine Presence. Now instead of wanting to die so bad, you will welcome this miracle of Life. Now the world is new for you. Now you will live in the harmony of God's being. Now the Presence will lead you by the still waters and make you to lie down in green pastures. Now in thy Presence there is fullness of joy, there is no badness to overcome, and you realize the secret message given to you is that the greatest gift in the world is Life Itself. Now you will be asked that question "what should I do?" and you will have the answer.