But - I Want it All...
Gary Bertwistle - Unlock your great ideas
Interviewer on The Mojo Sessions. Interesting conversations with the most interesting people
In a recent speech an attendee asked me “is it possible to achieve multiple dreams in my world?”
Perhaps you are dreaming of a healthy you, of your contribution to others, you have business ideas, family, and maybe something spiritual. These are all valid and achievable. However to bring them into reality is where productivity is critically important. By productivity I mean living with intention and starting each day with identifying one key thing that must be achieved in each area of your life.
Listing these dreams or steps to achieving these dreams in amongst the normal to-do list of the 30 or so other things you have on your to-do list, will assist you achieving your dreams. Just knowing that if you crack these four or five things, that you have listed at the top of your page heading into a fresh day, then it is going to be a great day.
When you approach each day with the important areas of your life in front of you and for each of those areas you know what is the most important thing that will take you towards your ultimate dream, then you know your focus and you are starting to live with intention - as opposed to responding to everyone else’s demands and priorities that become just another dot point on your massive list of things to do.
So yes, I believe you can have multiple dreams, however being productive with your time is critically important if you are to start moving in the right direction to achieving those aspirations. By prioritising them you will find a place in your day, even if it’s only the smallest space, to get after your dreams. Another story from The Espresso, my blog for Thinkers, you can subscribe at garybertwistle.com
Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War